
Why did they say that they have 10 shares in the king?


Rashi: We are 10 Shevatim. Radak - this is because Binyamin is with Yehudah. Also, 1,000 men from Binyamin went with Shim'i and returned with the king.


Radak: We have a greater share in the king, no matter who he will be - even if he is from your Shevet.


Why did they say "v'Gam b'David"?


Rashi: Even though he is from your Shevet, he is closer to me, for I am 10 shares.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: Even though he is from your Shevet, I desire him more.


Malbim: The king does not favor his family, rather, his nation and kingdom (and we are the majority)!


What was the disgrace?


Rashi: I wanted first to return him (verse 12), and you did so first! Malbim - you make it seem that you wanted to return him before me!


What is the meaning of "va'Yikesh"?


Rashi, above Midrash Shmuel 14:6: This is like "Hiskosheshu" (Tzefanyah 2:1). Yehudah justified themselves [from Yisrael's claim]; they showed David's letter, asking (verse 12) "why will you be last to return the king"?!


Rashi, Targum Yonasan: This refers to solidity and strength (Yehudah's words were stronger). Radak - the king was quiet (as if he sides with Yehudah). Yisrael were angry. This is why they followed Sheva ben Bichri when he blew the Shofar and said "Ish l'Ohalav Yisrael" (20:1).


Malbim: This aroused friction and quarrels between them. This aroused Sheva ben Bichri to rebel.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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