
How did Hashem pass over her?


Rashi (9) and Radak, citing Targum Yonasan: Memory of the Bris of your fathers came in front of Me. I revealed Myself to redeem you, for it is revealed in front of Me that you are afflicted in your servitude.


Radak (according to the Nimshal): "Va'Ivada Lahem b'Eretz Mitzrayim" (I made Myself known in Egypt), via Aharon, Miryam and Moshe, and said "Ish Shikutzei Einav Hashlichu uv'Gilulei Mitzrayim Al Titama'u" (20:5, 7).


Malbim: The supreme Nediv passed and saw her dirty in her blood.


Malbim (according to the Nimshal): Hashem had Hashgachah over them during their Galus. Even though Pharaoh killed their children and struck and wounded them, His Hashgachah caused them to live and not die out.


What is the meaning of "Misboseses"?


Rashi #1: It is trampled. This is like "Navus Kameinu" (Tehilim 44:6).


Rashi #2: It is dirty [Radak ? in blood of birth].


Radak (according to the Nimshal): Yisrael were dirty in mud, from which they made bricks, They had no time to clean themselves, for [the Egyptians] forced them to make bricks constantly, without ceasing.


Why does it say "b'Damayich" (plural)?


Malbim: She was wounded and bleeding due to being thrown, in addition to blood of birth.


What do we learn from "va'Er'ech Misboseses b'Damayich va'Omar Lach b'Damayich Chayi"?


Kerisus 9a: The redemption from Egypt was in the merit of the bloods of circumcision and Korban Pesach.


Rashi: Even amidst this disgrace, you will not die.


Rashi (9, citing Targum Yonasan): I said that in the blood of your Milah I will have mercy on you, and I said that in [the merit of] Dam Pesach I will redeem you.


Radak: Do not fear lest you die amidst this harsh labor. Amidst the filth and harsh labor, you will live and increase "k'Tzemach ha'Sadeh" (7 ? vegetation of the field). Chayi is like Tichyi - a command in place of the normal conjugation. This is like "u'Mus ba'Har" (Devarim 32:50); it is like Tamus. "Sim Kinecha" (Ovadyah 1:4) is like Tasim.


Why is "va'Omar Lach b'Damayich Chayi" repeated?


This hints to two bloods (refer to 16:6:4:1, 3).


Radak: It is to strengthen her heart, lest she fear. Verses often repeat the matter to strengthen it.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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