Why did He say "Lo Sa'alu" and "v'Lo Silachamun"?
Malbim: Do not go to fight them in their cities, and do not invite them for war, like "Lechah Nisra'eh Fanim" (Melachim II, 14:8).
If they return to their houses, perhaps Yaravam will attack them!
Malbim: You need not fear this. I (Hashem) caused that 10 Shevatim will be to Yaravam, and Yehudah to Beis David.
Here it says "va'Yashuvu Laleches." In Divrei ha'Yamim II, 11:4 it says "va'Yashuvu mi'Leches"!
Malbim: There it teaches that they did not go to fight. Here it teaches that they returned to their houses.
Malbim (Divrei ha'Yamim II, 11:4): "Va'Yashuvu mi'Leches" corresponds to "Lo Sa'alu." "Va'Yashuvu Laleches" corresponds to "v'Lo Silachamun."