Why does it say "ha"Shasos Yeharesun"?
Rashi (7, from Sanhedrin 26b #1): If Chizkiyah and his followers would be trampled 1 , [what did Hashem do? Where is the reward for their righteousness]?
Sanhedrin 26b #2: If the Beis ha'Mikdash would be destroyed, [what did Hashem do]?
Sanhedrin 26b #3: If the Machshavos (plans) of that Rasha (Shevna) will not be foiled, [what did Hashem do]?
Rashi: Through you, the virtuous Kohanim of Hashem were killed. They are the Shasos (foundation) of the world! Radak - Shasos are foundations, like "Shasoseha Meduka'im", "va'Chashufei Shes" (Yeshayah 19:10, 20:4).
Radak (from Shocher Tov): The Tzadikim who Hishtisu (founded) Your world 2 , and Even Shesiyah (the cornerstone of the Beis ha'Mikdash), on which the world was founded, Resha'im destroyed it.
Radak: The nets and traps [that the Resha'im set were destroyed. I.e. they will not fulfill their intent.]
Malbim: [Resha'im] destroy the foundations of the world, i.e. great Tzadikim (refer to 11:3:1:5*), and the foundations of national unity and Shalom.
Rashi (7): The verses do not fit the Midrash.
Shocher Tov: "V'Tzadik Yesod Olam" (Mishlei 10:25).
Why did he say "Tzadik Mah Pa'al"?
Refer to 11:3:1:1-3.
Rashi: David did not sin - what did he do in all of this?! You will bear sin, and not me!
Shocher Tov: Hashem, Tzadik of the world, what handiwork did they leave You in Your world?! (Refer to 11:3:1:5.)
Radak: The Tzadik will have what he did (Hashem will reward him according to his virtue, as opposed to the Resha'im, whose intent failed - refer to 11:3:1:6).
Malbim: Hashem, the Tzadik of the world, should have punished them via Hashgachah and shielded the Tzadikim, due to Tzedek and Mishpat. Why did He not do anything?! (They claim,) this shows that He does not supervise, like Iyov claimed!