
Was Esav searched?


Radak: His hidden matters were searched, like it says "Niv'u Matzpunav"; it is a repetition. Refer to 1:6:2:2.


Malbim: The verse calls to Esav - how did they search, and all his hidden matters were revealed? Thieves do not have time to search all His hidden matters without fear! Why did the thieves not fear lest Bnei Edom stand against them?!


What is the meaning of "Niv'u Matzpunav"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: Its hidden matters were exposed.


Rashi: In Arame'ic, Niv'u means 'was sought.' This is like "Im Tiv'ayun Be'ayu" (Yeshayah 21:12). Radak - the Targum of "va'Yvakesh" (Bereishis 43:30) is u'V'a.


Why does it mention grape harvesters (verse 5) and revealing Esav's secrets here and in Yirmeyah 49:9-10?


Rashi (Yirmeyah 49:9): Hashem sometimes gives the same message to different Nevi'im, but they do not prophesize in the same words. There are minor differences between them.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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