What "Devar Hashem" should they hear?
Radak: It is the coming rebuke - "Lamah Li Rov Zivcheichem
Why does it say "Ketzinei Sedom"?
Rashi: They are officers whose acts are like of Sedom. From here, Chazal (.Brachos 19a) learned that one should not incite the Satan (by mentioning that he is worthy of punishment. After we equated ourselves to Sedom "Kim'at ki'Sedom Hayinu" (9), the Navi responded [on behalf of Hashem], "Shim'u
What is "Toras Elokeinu"?
Malbim: "V'Zos ha'Torah Asher Sam Moshe" (Devarim 4:44). The rebuke here for many Korbanos is explained in the Torah that a Korban atones only with confession, Teshuvah and regret.
Why does it say "Am Amorah"?
Radak: The nation resembled the people of Sedom and Amorah in their evil deeds.