MENACHOS 87 (2 Sivan) - This Daf has been dedicated in memory of Harry Bernard Zuckerman, Baruch Hersh ben Yitzchak (and Miryam Toba), by his children and sons-in-law.


R. YOCHANAN'S SOURCE (Yerushalmi Kilayim Perek 8 Halachah 1 Daf 37a)

òì ãòúéä ãøáé éåçðï ðéçà îåúø ìçôåø áä áåøåú ùéçéï åîòøåú. òì ãòúéä ãøáé ìòæø îäå ìçôåø áä áåøåú ùéçéï åîòøåú.


According to R. Yochanan it's understood that one may dig pits, caverns and caves (since lashes is only for planting and pruning). But according to R. Elazar, why should one be permitted to dig them? (They should be Rabbinically prohibited since all cultivation of the land is prohibited.)

ëùí ùàéï îìîãéï ìòðéï àéñåø ëê ìòðéï äéúø ìà éìîãå.


Question: (It's an even bigger question against R. Yochanan...) Just as we don't use planting and pruning to teach that all cultivation of the Land is prohibited, so the positive commandment of 'and the Land shall rest' prohibits all work on the Land, even if they are not cultivating, meaning that digging pits etc. should also be prohibited...?

à"ø áà ÷øúéâðééà èòí ãøáé éåçðï (ùí) ùù ùðéí úæøò ùãê ìà áùáéòéú [ãó ò òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] åùù ùðéí úæîåø ëøîê ìà áùáéòéú. ëì ìà úòùä ùäåà áà îëç òùä òùä äåà:


(R. Ba Kartignaya): R. Yochanan's source is the pasuk (Vayikra 25:3), "Six years you shall sow your field" - but not in the 7th year; "and six years you shall prune your vineyard" - but not in the 7th year. Any negative commandment that comes from a positive commandment is considered a positive commandment.

åòåáø áòùä.


Question: (According to R. Yochanan, that one does not transgress a negative commandment by plowing in Sheviis) does one transgress a positive commandment?

øáé éøîéä àîø òåáø áòùä. åøáé éåñä àîø àôéìå òùä àéï [ãó ìæ òîåã á] áå.


Answer: R. Yirmiyah said yes and R. Yosi said no.

ìééãà îéìä ëúéá (åé÷øà ëä) åùáúä äàøõ ùáú ìä'


Question: Why did the pasuk say "and the Land shall rest a Shabbos to Hash-m"?

ìòðéï ìà úòùä ùáå.


Answer: These actions of sowing and pruning are negative commandments and negations of positive commandments, but other actions are neither.

éëåì éäå ìå÷éï òì äúåñôåú ùáå.


Question: I might have thought that there are lashes for its 'Tosafos' (additions)? (The Gemara will explain the meaning of this.)

øáé éåçðï ôúø îúðéúà éëåì éäå ìå÷éï òì çøéùä áùáéòéú.


(R. Yochanan): This means - lashes for plowing in Sheviis.

ø' ìòæø ôúø îúðéúà éëåì éäå ìå÷éï òì àéñåø ùðé ôø÷éí äøàùåðéí.


(R. Elazar): This means - lashes for the prohibitions of the first two times (referring to the prohibitions of working in a wheat field from Pesach before Sheviis and an orchard from Shavuos before Sheviis).

àéú úðéé úðé ùù ùðéí úæøò ùãê åùù ùðéí úæîø ëøîê. àéú úðéé úðé ùãê ìà úæøò åëøîê ìà úæîåø


Some continue the Baraisa with the words, "six years you shall sow your field and six years you shall prune your vineyard". Others have the words, "you shall not sow your field nor shall you prune your vineyard".

î"ã ùù ùðéí úæøò ùãê åùù ùðéí úæîø ëøîê îñééòà ìø' (éåçðï)[àìòæø] î"ã ùãê ìà úæøò åëøîê ìà úæîåø îñééòà ìø' (ìòæø)[éåçðï].


The first version is a support for R. Elazar (that one does not incur lashes for the extra prohibited times before Sheviis, as the pasuk implies that he only transgresses during Sheviis itself.) The second version is a support for R. Yochanan, (as the pasuk only lists planting and pruning as prohibitions that incur lashes, but not other forms of work).

îúðéúà ôìéâà òì øáé ìòæø äùîø ìà úòùä. åëúéá (ãáøéí éá) ùí úòìä. ùí úòùä. áâéï ãëúéá äà àéìå ìà ëúéá òùä äåà.


Question (Mishnah in Maseches Zevachim against R. Elazar): (There is a prohibition to slaughter and offer up a sacrifice outside of the Temple. The Gemara sources this with the pasuk, (Vayikra 12:13), "Beware, lest you bring up your burnt offerings in any place that you desire" ) 'Beware' is always a negative commandment. And the next pasuk states, "There you shall offer up; there you shall do" The Torah juxtaposes offering up and slaughtering to teach that just as there's a prohibition and positive commandment against offering up outside, so too with slaughtering outside. But if not for this, it would have merely been a positive commandment of 'there you shall offer up; there you shall do'. But according to R. Elazar, there should anyway be a negative commandment (since we do expound when a generalization is written about positive command and the specification is written about a negative command)...?

ùìà úàîø ëîä ãúéî' âáé ùáú çôø çøõ ðòõ àéðå çééá àìà àçú. åãëååúä ùçè æø÷ åäòìä ìà éäà çééá àìà àçú. ìôåí ëï öøéê îéîø çééá òì ëì àçú åàçú.


Answer: The reason the Torah gave this juxtaposition was so that you shouldn't compare it the case of Shabbos - if a person dug a hole, made a furrow and inserted something into ground (in one act of unawareness), he is only liable for one Chatas (since they are all within the same Melacha of plowing) - so too you might say that if a person slaughtered, threw the blood and offered up a sacrifice (outside of the Temple in one act of unawareness), one would only be liable for one Chatas...therefore the Torah gave the juxtaposition to teach separate liability for each act of such a sacrifice.

øáé æòéøà øáé çééä áø àùé áùí ëäðà äðåèò áùáú çééá îùåí æåøò.


(R. Zeira/ R. Chiya bar Ashi citing Kahana): One who plants a sapling on Shabbos is liable for the Melacha of sowing.

øáé æòéøà àîø äæåîø ëðåèò. ðèò åæîø (áùáú)[áùáéòéú] òì ãòúéä ãëäðà çééá ùúéí òì ãòúéä ãøáé æòéøà àéðå çééá àìà àçú.


(R. Zeira): One who prunes is like he is planting (as he increases growth). If one planted and pruned in Sheviis, according to Kahana, he is liable twice; according to R. Zeira, he is only liable once.

ëìåí àîø øáé æòéøà àìà äæåîø ëðåèò ùîà äðåèò ëæåîø.


Rebuttal: R. Zeira only said that for the laws of Shabbos, one who prunes is like one who plants; but did he say for the laws of Sheviis that planting is like pruning? (For Sheviis, certainly planting is prohibited because of sowing, so one who plants and prunes is liable twice, according to all opinions.)

äëì äéä áëìì æøéòä éöàú æîéøä ìäçîéø òì òöîä.


All derivatives of sowing were included in 'Do not sow your field', so why was pruning mentioned separately? To teach that there is a separate set of lashes for pruning.

îôðé ùéöàú æîéøä ìäçîéø òì òöîä àú ôåèøå îùåí æåøò


Question: Just because pruning was mentioned separately, do we not obligate planting because of sowing?

äåé ìà ùðééà áéï òì ãòúéä ãëäðà áéï òì ãòúéä ãøáé æòéøà çééá ùúéí:


Rather, whether according to Kahana or R. Zeira, he is liable twice.