PLANTING UNDER A LATTICE WORK (Yerushalmi Kilayim Perek 6 Halachah 3 Daf 30a)
îùðä äîãìä àú äâôï òì î÷öú àôéôééøåú ìà éáéà æøò àì úçú äîåúø. åàí äáéà ìà ÷éãù. åàí äåìê äçãù àñåø. åëï äîãìä òì î÷öú àéìï ñø÷.
(Mishnah): If one hangs a vine over part of an Apifeiros (lattice work that supports a trellis), he should not introduce another seed under the rest of it. If he did, it does not prohibit. If new vine branches grew, they are prohibited. The same applies if one hangs vine branches over part of a Serak (non-fruit bearing) tree.
äîãìä àú äâôï òì î÷öú àéìï îàëì îåúø ìäáéà æøò àì úçú äîåúø åàí äåìê äçãù éçæéøðå.
If one hangs vine branches over part of a fruit-bearing tree, one may introduce another seed under the rest of it. If new vine branches grew over the rest of the tree, he must turn it back.
[ãó ðç òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] îòùä ùäìê øáé éäåùò àöì øáé éùîòàì îëôø òæéæ äøàäå âôï ùäéä îåãìä òì î÷öú úàéðä àîø ìéä îä àðé ìäáéà æøò àì úçú äîåúø àîø ìéä îåúø. åäòìäå îùí ìáéú îâéðééà åäøàäå âôï ùäéä îåãìä òì î÷öú ä÷åøä åñãï ùì ù÷îä åáå ÷åøåú äøáä àîø ìéä úçú ä÷åøä äæå àñåø åäùàø îåúø.
R. Yehoshua once went to R. Yishmael of Kfar Aziz. He showed R. Yehoshua a vine that was hanging over part of a fig tree and asked him, "May I bring another seed under the rest of it?" R. Yehoshua permitted him. He then took him to Beis Maginaya and showed him a vine that was hanging over part of a beam that was from a sycamore trunk which had many beams. R. Yehoshua told him, "Under this beam is prohibited; under the rest is permitted."
àé æäå àéìï ñø÷ ëì ùàéðå òåùä ôéøåú.
What is considered a Serak tree? A tree that doesn't bear fruit.
øáé îàéø àîø äëì àéìï ñø÷ çåõ îï äæéú åîï äúàéðä.
(R. Meir): All trees are considered Serak, except for olive and fig trees.
øáé éåñé àåîø ëì ùàéï ëîåäå ðåèòéï ùãåú ùìéîåú äøé æä àéìï ñø÷:
(R. Yosi): Any tree that whole fields aren't planted with is considered a Serak tree.
âîøà çæ÷éä àîø îùìùä åòã àøáòä äéà îúðéúà. ôçåú îùìùä ëñúåí îùìùä åòã àøáòä îùìéí. àøáòä ðçú äåà ìä.
(Chizkiyah): The Mishnah's first case was when there were between three and four Tefachim spaces between the poles of the lattice. Less than three is considered closed up; between 3 and 4, the vines will eventually spread there; spaces of more than four are fine (since the vine branches will dip downwards rather than continuing spreading across the lattice).
òã äéëï
Question: How far must one distance from the vine before planting (in order not to prohibit the Apifeiror)?
ø' éò÷á áø àéãé áùí ø' ùîòåï áï ì÷éù òã ã' àîåú.
Answer (R. Yaakov bar Idi citing R. Shimon ben Lakish): 4 Amos.
ø' àçà øáé çéððà áùí ø"ù áï ì÷éù òã ùù àîåú:
Answer #2 (R. Acha/ R. Chinana citing R. Shimon ben Lakish): 6 Amos.
à"ø îðà àæìéú ì÷éñøéï åùîòéú ø' äåùòéä áø ùîé áùí ø' éöç÷ áï ìòæø àí äéå ùúé ôéôøåú îåúø.
(R. Mana): I went to Kisarin and heard R. Hoshiya bar Simi say from R. Yitzchak ben Elazar that if there were two Apifeiros within 4 Amos, it is permitted to plant under the second one.
àîø øáé çéððà åúðé åôìéâ àí äéä ãøëå ìôñò àñåø.
(R. Chinana): A Baraisa disagrees with R. Hoshiya - 'If the way of the vine is for it to spread further, then one may not plant even under the second Apifeiror'.
[ãó ðç òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] åúðé ëï ø' ùîòåï áï ìòæø àåîø àí äéä ãøëå ìôñò áéï ôéôåø ìôéôåø ëôéôåø àçã äåà:
(Another similar Baraisa) (R. Shimon ben Elazar): If its way is to grow from one Apifeiror to the other, it is like one Apifeiror.
THE NON-FRUIT BEARING TREE (Yerushalmi Kilayim Perek 6 Halachah 3 Daf 30a)
îä áéï àéìï ñø÷ îä áéï àéìï îàëì.
Question: What's the difference between a Serak (non-fruit bearing tree, where if one spread a vine over part of it, the rest of its lattice area may not be planted) and a fruit-bearing tree (where the rest of its lattice area may be planted)?
àãí îáèì àéìï ñø÷ òì âáé âôðå åàéï àãí îáèì àéìï îàëì òì âáé âôðå.
Answer: (Since a Serak is not an important tree) a person negates it to the vine, but he does not do so for a fruit-bearing tree.
úîï úðéðï ëì çîúåú öøåøåú èäåøåú çåõ îùì òøáééí. øáé îàéø àåîø öøåø äùòä èäåøåú öøåø òåìí èîàåú øáé éåñé àåîø ëì çîúåú öøåøåú èäåøåú.
(Mishnah in Maseches Keilim): All leather bottles that became perforated and the hole was closed up by knotting cannot receive Tumah (since the knot is not secure), except the leather bottles of Arabs (who are able to knot it securely). R. Meir says that if there's a temporary knot, they cannot receive Tumah; if it's permanent, they can. R. Yosi says that all tied leather bottles cannot receive Tumah.
àéú úðéé úðé îçìó øáé éò÷á áø àçà áùí øáé éñà áîúðéúéï.
Some say that these two opinions (R. Meir and R. Yosi) must be switched around but R. Yaakov bar Acha citing R. Yasa confirmed the current text of the Mishnah.
àîø ø' éåãï ñéîðà ãëìéí ëìàéí ãìëï îä áéï öøåø òåìí îä áéï öøåø [ãó ì òîåã á] ùòä.
(R. Yudan): Our Mishnah (Kilayim) supports the current text of the Mishnah in Keilim (as R. Meir holds that a person negates his Serak to the vine, so too a person negates the knot to be part of the leather bottle, making the bottle capable of receiving Tumah). Otherwise, if you would switch the opinions, according to R. Meir, what's difference whether the knot is permanent or temporary?
ãáé øáé éðàé àîøé öøåø òåìí öøéê çéúåê öøåø ùòä àéðå öøéê çéúåê:
Answer (D'Bei R. Yannai): For a permanent knot, the leather must be cut in a certain way but until that point, the bottle isn't a Kli (utensil); for a temporary knot, the leather doesn't require cutting, so it's already a Kli as soon as it's tied.