PATCHES IN A FIELD (Yerushalmi Kilayim Perek 2 Halachah 7 Daf 11a)
îùðä äøåöä ìòùåú ùãäå ÷øçú ÷øçú îëì îéï òåùä òùøéí åàøáò ÷øçåú ìáéú ñàä î÷øçú áéú øåáò åæåøò áúåëä ëì îéï ùéøöä.
(Mishnah): If one wishes to make his (Beis Seah sized - i.e. 50 by 50 Amos) field into equal-sized patches of different species, he can make 24 patches in the Beis Seah. He can thereby produce a quarter Kav from each patch and plant in each patch whichever species he wishes.
[ãó ëà òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] äéúä ÷øçú àçú àå ùúéí æåøòï çøãì. ùìù ìà éæøòí çøãì îôðé ùäéà ðøàéú ëùãä çøãì ãáøé øáé îàéø.
(R. Meir): If there were one or two patches (of the size of a quarter Kav), he may plant mustard in them, if there are three of them, he may not, as it appears like a mustard field planted within his field.
åçëîé' àåîøé' úùò ÷øçåú îåúøåú åòùø àñåøåú
(Chachamim): Up until nine patches (per Beis Seah) is permitted, but ten is prohibited.
[ãó éà òîåã á] øáé àìéòæø áï éò÷á àåîø àôéìå ëì ùãäå áéú ëåø ìà éòùä áúåëä çåõ î÷øçä àçú:
(R. Eliezer ben Yaakov): Even if his field is the size of a Beis Kur (30 Seah), he may only make one patch in it.
âîøà øáé çæ÷éä øáé éñà áùí øáé éåçðï òì øàùä øáé îàéø àåî' àôé' çáåùåú àôéìå ñîåëåú. åøáðéï àîøéï åáìáã ùìà éäå ìà çáåùåú åìà ñîåëåú.
(Gemara) (R. Chizkiyah/ R. Yasa citing R. Yochanan): The Chachamim disagree with R. Meir only over the first case of the Mishnah (as to how the patches may be planted) - R. Meir says that they may even be planted in a way that the inner ones are surrounded with other species or immediately adjacent to them. Rabbanan say that they may be close, but not surrounded or adjacent to them.
äéàê òáéãà úìú åúøúéé åçãà åúøúéé åçãà:
How is this achieved? (If there are five rows, each with five patches) - if he plants 3 patches in the first row, two patches in the second, and one patch in the third row and then two in the fourth and one in the fifth.
MEASURING THE BEIS ROVA (Yerushalmi Kilayim Perek 2 Halachah 8 Daf 11b)
[ãó ëà òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] îùðä ëì ùäåà áúåê áéú øåáò òåìä áîéãú áéú øåáò àëéìú äâôï åä÷áø åäñìò òåìéï áîéãú áéú øåáò.
(Mishnah): Anything that is found within a patch of a Beis Rova (quarter Kav) counts towards the measurement of its area - for example, the work access area around a grapevine (6 Tefachim), a grave or a (low) rock.
úáåàä áúáåàä áéú øåáò. éø÷ áéø÷ ùùä èôçéí. úáåàä áéø÷ åéø÷ áúáåàä áéú øåáò.
One who wishes to plant a row of grain in a field of another grain must distance it a Beis Rova. If it is vegetables next to other vegetables, distance it six Tefachim. If it is grain next to vegetables or vice-versa, distance it a Beis Rova.
øáé àìéòæø àåîø éø÷ áúáåàä ùùä èôçéí.
(R. Eliezer): Vegetables next to grain, it is six Tefachim.
úáåàä ðåèä òì âáé úáåàä åéø÷ òì âáé éø÷ úáåàä òì âáé éø÷ åéø÷ òì âáé úáåàä äëì îåúø çåõ îãìòú éååðéú.
If grains that were correctly planted began to lean over towards other grains, or vegetables to vegetables, or grains to vegetables or vegetables to grains, all cases are permitted, except for a Greek pumpkin (since it's leaves extend thereby making it appear like Kilayim).
ø' àå' àó ä÷éùå' åôåì äîöøé åøåàä àðé àú ãáøéä' îãáøéé:
(Rebbe): This concern also applies to squash and Egyptian beans. I identify with their rationale more than mine.
âîøà øáé áåï áø çééä áùí øáé æòéøà ìà ùðå àìà àëéìú äâôï. äà âôï òöîä ìà. ìîä îôðé ùäéà àñåøä áäðééä.
(Gemara) (R. Bun bar Chiya citing R. Zeira): The Mishnah is discussing the area around the vine, but the vine itself is not measured as part of the Beis Rova, because it becomes prohibited (if the required distance from seeds wasn't kept).
[ãó ëá òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] åäøé ä÷áø àñå' áäðééä.
Question: Isn't it forbidden to gain any benefit from a grave?
÷áø àéï àéñåøå ðéëø.
Answer: Yes, but since its prohibition isn't recognizable to others (it can still be measured as part of the required distance).
åòáåãú äâôï àéï àéñåøä áäðééä
Question: (How does the Mishnah differentiate between the work access area of the vine and the vine itself?) Isn't it forbidden to gain benefit from seeds grown in the work access area?
àìà ëøáé éùîòàì ãøáé éùîòàì àîø àéï òáåãä ìâôï [ãó éá òîåã à] éçéãéú.
Rather, the Mishnah must follow R. Yishmael who said that there's no prohibition to gain benefit from seeds that grew in the work access area of a single vine.
(åäøé ä÷áø àñåø áäðééä. ÷áø àéï àéñåøå ðéëø.)
)Question: Isn't it forbidden to gain any benefit from a grave? Yes, but since its prohibition isn't recognizable to others (it can still be measured as part of the required distance). (Note: This question and answer that was stated earlier is removed from the text by many Meforshim.)
úáåàä áúáåàä áéú øåáò åáìáã ùìà úäà çáåùä îàøáò øåçåúéä.
The Mishnah taught that one who wishes to plant a row of grain in a field of another grain must distance it a Beis Rova - this is permitted as long as it isn't surrounded on all four sides (by another species or on two sides with another species and two sides with fences).
øáé æòéøà áòà ÷åîé øáé éñà ëé ðï àîøéï äãà á÷òú ñéîåðéà àéï æåøòéï ìúåë' àìà îéï àçã áìáã.
Question (R. Zeira to R. Yasa): Is it prohibited when surrounded, even if there is a great distance? If so, the Simonia valley that is surrounded on all four sides should only be planted with one species (since the Beis Rova distance doesn't help when it's surrounded)?! (The Gemara leaves this question unanswered.)