
ROWS OF DIFFERENT SPECIES (Yerushalmi Kilayim Perek 2 Halachah 4 Daf 9a)

îùðä äøåöä ìòùåú ùãäå îùø îùø îëì îéï áéú ùîàé àåîøé' ùìùä úìîéï ùì ôúéç åáéú äìì àåîøé' îìåà äòåì äùøåðé. å÷øåáéí ãáøé àìå ìäéåú ëãáøé àìå


(Mishnah): If one wishes to arrange his field in rows of different species - Beis Shammai say that he should make breaks between them of three furrows of newly-broken ground (i.e. 2 Amos). Beis Hillel say that they should be the width of Sharoni yokes. And these two opinions are close (in measurement).

âîøà øáé æòéøà øáé ìòæø áùí øáé çééä øåáä òåùä ùúé àîåú òì ùúé àîåú åîéöø åäåìê àôéìå ëì ùäåà.


(Gemara) (R. Zeira/ R. Elazar citing R. Chiya the Great): The Mishnah means that he should leave an area of two by two Amos at the top of each furrow, even if that distance narrows further down the furrow until it is minimal.

àîø øáé éåðä äãà ãúéîø áòùåéä îùøéï îùøéï àáì áòùåéä îùø àçã ìà áãà.


(R. Yona): This distance of the Mishnah is enough only when the entire field is planted in rows, but if he made one row (close to the edge of the field), it's not enough and the distance of a Beis Rova (space to plant a quarter Kav of seeds) must be kept.

åàúéà ëéé ãàîø øáé éðàé éëéì àðà æøò ç÷ìé çîùéï îéðéï òùøé' åçîùä îéëà åòùøéï åçîù' îéëà.


This is like the statement of R. Yannai - I can sow a (Beis Seah, 50 by 50 Amos) field with 50 different species, 25 this way and 25 that way.

àó áùúé ùãåú ëï.


This would also apply to two fields (that if there were rows in one's field next to the row of one's adjacent field, one could then plant another species at a distance of only two Amos rather than a Beis Rova).

[ãó èæ òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] îòúä àôéìå áéðå ìáéï çáéøå îåúø. àó áçåøáä ëï.


If so, even between his field and his neighbor's field, it would be permitted. And the same applies to a destroyed field (when one has strips in his field as well as a strip from a neighbor's now destroyed field).

àå ééáä ëéé ãàîø øéù ì÷éù áùí çæ÷éä øàù úåø äáà îçåøáä îåúø.


Alternatively, it would be permitted because of the teaching of Raish Lakish, citing Chizkiyah, that a Rosh Tur that comes out of a destroyed field is permitted.

øáé àåîø îúçéì áéú øåáò åîéöø åäåìê òã ùìùä úìîéï ùì ôúéç.


(Rebbi): (Disagreeing with R. Chiya the Great earlier) He begins the space at a size of a Beis Rova (just over 10 Amos) and he may narrow it down until it is the width of three furrows of newly-broken ground (2 Amos).

åìéú ìéä ìøáé úáåàä áúáåàä áéú øåáò.


Question: Doesn't Rebbi agree that grains into grains, the width must be a Beis Rova (as we see later in Mishnah 7 (Menachos 42-1(a))?

úîï áîøåáò åëàï áîéùø.


Answer: The Mishnah is discussing squares, but here they are strips that need less separation.

åìéú ìøáðéï îéùø.


Question: Do the Rabbanan not agree with Rebbi that strips need less separation?

à"ø éåãï ñåó îéùø ìøáé úçéìú îùø ìøáðéï.


Answer (R. Yudan): The narrow end of the space between the strips according to Rebbi is the same as the wide beginning of the space according to Rabbanan.

[ãó éæ òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] ø' ìòæø ùàì äéúä ùãä ÷èðä îäå.


Question (R. Elazar): If there was a small field (that was too small for the full length space), what's the law?

ðéùîòéðä îï äãà ø' ìòæø áø ùîòåï àáà éåñé [ãó è òîåã á] áï éåçðï àéù éðåç àîø áâãåìä çîùéí àîåú åá÷èðä òì ôé øåáä.


Answer (R. Elazar bar Shimon/ Abba Yosi ben Yochanan of Yanoach): In a large field (more than 100 Amos in length), the space must be 50 Amos long; in a small field, it must be the majority of its length.

îä àí àìå ùðúðå ùéòåø ìâãåìä ìà ðúðå ùéòåø ì÷èðä. çëîéí ùìà ðúðå ùéòåø ìâãåìä ìà ëì ùëï ùìà éúðå ùéòåø ì÷èðä:


If these Sages, who gave a required length of the space for a large field did not give it for a small field; the Chachamim who did not give for a large field certainly would not give for a small field.