TWO TYPES OF THE SAME SPECIES (Yerushalmi Kilayim Perek 1 Halachah 1 Daf 1a)
[ãó à òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] îùðä äçèéí åäæåðéï àéðï ëìàéí æä áæä. äùòåøéí åùáåìú ùåòì äëåñîéï åäùéôåï äôåì åäñôéø åäôåø÷ãï åäèåôç åôåì äìáï åäùòåòéú àéðï ëìàéí æä áæä:
(Mishnah): Wheat and Zunin (an inferior type of wheat) are not considered Kilayim with each other. Barley and oats, spelt and rye, Pul and Sapir, Purkadan and Tofach, Pul Halavan and She'u'it are not considered Kilayim with each other.
âîøà ëúéá (åé÷øà éè) ùãê ìà úæøò ëìàéí. äééúé àåîø àôéìå ùðé îéðé çèéí åàôéìå ùðé îéðé ùòåøéí.
(Gemara): The pasuk states (Vayikra 19:19), "You shall not plant Kilayim in your field". I would think that this applies even to two types of wheat or two types of barley.
áäîúê ìà úøáéò ëìàéí äééúé àåîø àôé' ùåø ùçåø òì âáé ùåø ìáï àå ùåø ìáï òì âáé ùçåø.
The pasuk said previously, "You shall not crossbreed you animals". I would think that this applies even to a black ox with a white ox.
(ùí) åáâã ëìàéí ùòèðæ ìà éòìä òìéê äééúé àåîø [àôéìå] ùðé îéðé öîø åàôéìå ùðé îéðé ôùúéí. ôéøù ááâãéí (ãáøéí ëá) ìà úìáù ùòèðæ öîø åôùúéí éçãéå. îä ëìàé áâãéí ùàñøúé ìê ùðé îéðéï ìà æä îîéï æä åìà æä îîéï æä. àó ëìàéí ùàñøúé ìê áëì î÷åí ìà æä îîéï æä åìà æä îîéï æä.
The pasuk ends by saying, "A mixed garment of Shaatnez should not come upon you". I would think that this even applies to two types of wool together or two types of linen together. But another pasuk explained (Devarim 22:11), "You shall not wear Shaatnez, wool and linen together". If so, just as for Kilayim in clothing, I only prohibited two completely different species together, so too in all types of Kilayim, I only prohibited two completely different species together (but not two types of the same species).
äçéèéí åäæåðéï àéðï ëìàéí æä áæä. äà òí äùòåøéí ëìàéí.
The Mishnah taught that wheat and Zunin are not Kilayim - but Zunin with barley would be Kilayim.
äçéèéí åäæåðéï àéðï ëìàéí æä áæä ãáø ùàéðå àåëì. äåéðï îèòé åîúðé ëìàéí.
Question: 'Wheat and Zunin are not Kilayim.' Zunin are not fit for human consumption, so why would I think that planting it with wheat would be Kilayim? (This Gemara is a source that seeds that are not food do not have a prohibition of Kilayim.)
[ãó á òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] à"ø áà áø æáãà ùëï î÷åîåú î÷ééîéï àåúï ìéåðéí.
(R. Ba bar Zavda): Some places keep them to feed to doves (so they are considered food).
àîø øáé áà áø æáãà ëøáé ìéòæø ãúðéðï úîï äî÷ééí ÷åöéí áëøí øáé ìéòæø àåîø ÷éãù åçëîéí àåîøéí ìà ÷éãù.
Question: Is R. Ba bar Zavda coming to explain the Mishnah like R. Eliezer? As the Mishnah taught (in the 5th Perek), 'If one allows thorns to grow in a vineyard, R. Eliezer says that it becomes prohibited (because of Kilayim) and the Chachamim say that it does not...?
àîø øáé àáäå èòîà ãøáé ìéòæø ùëï î÷åîåú î÷ééîéï àåúï ìâîìéí áòøáéà.
(R. Abahu): R. Eliezer reasons that there are places in Arabia where they allow such thorns to grow for feeding their camels.
îä ãøáðéï ñáøéï îéîø àéï î÷åîåú î÷ééîéï àåúï ìâîìéí áòøáéà. åéáã÷å.
Question: What do the Rabbanan reason? That there aren't places in Arabia where they allow it to grow? Let them investigate it!
øáðéï àîøéï î÷åí ùî÷ééîéï àåúï àñåøéï åî÷åí ùàéï î÷ééîéï àåúï îåúøéï.
(Rabbanan): In a place that they allow it to grow, it is prohibited; but in a place that they don't, it is permitted.
îä èòîà ãøáé ìéòæø îëéåï ùî÷ééîéï àåúï áî÷åí àçã ðàñåø îéðï áëì î÷åí ùäåà.
What's R. Eliezer's reasoning? Once they allow it to grow in one place, it becomes prohibited everywhere.
åìà øáé áà áø æáãà ëøáé ìéòæø.
Conclusion of question: So isn't R. Ba bar Zavda following the view of R. Eliezer?
úîï àéï ãøê áðé àãí ìäáéà ÷åöéí îî÷åí ìî÷åí. áøí äëà ãøê áðé àãí ìäáéà æåðéï îî÷åí ìî÷åí.
Answer: There, it's not normal to bring thorns from place to place (so the Rabbanan disagree and say that it is only prohibited in a place where it is actually given to camels.) Here, it is normal to bring Zunin from place to place (so it is considered to be eaten everywhere).
îòúä éäå ëìàéí òí äçèéí.
Question: If it's moved from place to place, Zunin should be considered Kilayim with wheat?
àîø øáé éåðä îéï çèéï äí àìà ùäôéøåú îæðéï [ãó à òîåã á] ëäãà ãúðé (åé÷øà éè) åìà úæðä äàøõ îéëï ùäôéøåú îæðéï.
Answer (R. Yona): They are a type of wheat, but when the wheat is spoiled, it grows as Zunin; as the Baraisa taught - the pasuk states (Vayikra 19:29), "...that the Land not fall into harlotry (Tizneh)" - from here we learn that the produce grows abnormally.