MENACHOS 101-103 - Dedicated by Andy and Nancy Neff in memory of Lucy Rabin, Leah Miriam bat Yisroel. Beloved mother of Nancy Neff, Valerie, Doug and Andy Rabin, and wife of Sidney Rabin, Lucy Rabin passed away on 14 Sivan 5767.




(Mishnah): If one said 'Alai to bring a Minchah of barley', he must bring a Minchah of wheat. If he vowed to bring (a Minchah) of (regular) flour, or without oil or Levonah, he must bring it of Soles, with oil and Levonah.


If he vowed to bring half an Isaron, he must bring a full Isaron;


If he vowed to bring an Isaron and a half, he must bring two Esronim;


R. Shimon exempts, for he did not vow the way people vow.


(Gemara) Question: Why is he obligated? Granted, 'Alai Minchah' obligates him, but 'of barley' is a retraction!


Answer #1 (Chizkiyah): The Beraisa is like Beis Shamai, who say Tefos Lashon Rishon (we follow the first thing said; they also hold that one cannot permit vows of Hekdesh);


(Mishnah - Beis Shamai): If one said 'I am a Nazir from figs and dates', he is a Nazir;


Beis Hillel say, he is not a Nazir. (Most Meforshim hold that he may eat figs and dates; Rambam forbids.)


Answer #2 (R. Yochanan): It is even like Beis Hillel. The case is, he says 'had I known that one cannot bring Minchas Nedavah of barley, I would have vowed properly (to bring it from wheat).'


(Chizkiyah): He is obligated (to bring wheat) only if he vowed to bring a Minchah of barley, but if he vowed to bring a Minchah of lentils, he is exempt.


Question: Chizkiyah establishes the Mishnah like Beis Shamai, who say Tefos Lashon Rishon (i.e. 'Minchah'.) It should not matter if he tried to retract by saying 'barley' or 'lentils'!


Answer: Chizkiyah retracted. (Also he establishes it like Beis Hillel.)


Question: Why did he retract?


Answer (Rava): The Mishnah was difficult. Why does it say that he vowed to bring a Minchah of barley? It should say that he vowed to bring a Minchah of lentils!


Rather, it says barley, because it is possible to err about this (Minchas Kena'os and the Omer are of barley), but no one would think that a Minchah can be of lentils. (This is like R. Yochanan. The man erred. Had he known that one cannot bring Nedavah of barley, he would have vowed properly.)


(R. Yochanan): He is obligated even if he vowed to bring a Minchah of lentils.


Question: R. Yochanan establishes the Mishnah like Beis Hillel. The man did not know that one cannot bring Nedavah of barley. Surely, he knows that one cannot bring a Nedavah of lentils!


Answer: R. Yochanan addresses Chizkiyah:


He says, you need not retract because it says barley, and not lentils. Perhaps the Mishnah teaches a bigger Chidush!


If he vowed to bring a Minchah of lentils, surely he did not err (he merely seeks to retract). He is obligated (to bring wheat);


Further, even if he vowed to bring barley, one might have thought (like R. Yochanan explains) that he erred, and he is liable only if he says that had he known, he would have vowed to bring wheat. The Mishnah teaches that this is not so. Rather, Tefos Lashon Rishon. (He is obligated in either case.)





Version #1 (Ze'iri): He is obligated only if he said 'Minchah of Se'orim (barley)'. If he said 'Minchas Se'orim', he is exempt, for we cannot say Tefos Lashon Rishon. ('Minchas' is a construct form. It does not stand on its own.)


Version #2 (Ze'iri): He is obligated only if he said 'Minchah'. If he merely vowed to bring barley, he is exempt, for we cannot say Tefos Lashon Rishon. (end of Version #2)


Question (Rava - Mishnah): If he vowed to bring flour, he must bring Soles.


Suggestion: Even though he did not say 'Minchah', he is obligated!


Answer: The case is, he said 'Minchah'.


Question (Rava - Mishnah): If he vowed to bring without oil or Levonah, he must bring with oil and Levonah.


Suggestion: Even though he did not say 'Minchah', he is obligated!


Answer: The case is, he said 'Minchah'.


Question (Rava - Mishnah): If he vowed to bring half an Isaron, he must bring a full Isaron.


Suggestion: Even though he did not say 'Minchah', he is obligated!


Answer: The case is, he said 'Minchah'.


Question (Rava - Seifa): If he vowed to bring an Isaron and a half, he must bring two Esronim.


'Minchah (of an Isaron)', obligates him to bring one Isaron. We should ignore his last words 'and a half' (since 'Minchah' does not refer to them)!


Answer: The case is, he vowed to bring (a Minchah of half an Isaron and an Isaron);


'Minchah', obligates him to bring one Isaron. We ignore his next words 'of half an Isaron.' His final words 'and an Isaron' obligate him to bring another Isaron.


Question: The Seifa says that R. Shimon exempts, for he did not vow the way people vow. Since we are Tofes Lashon Rishon, and the first thing he said was 'Minchah', this is like people vow!


Answer (Rava): R. Shimon holds like R. Yosi, who considers all the words he said.




(Mishnah): One may bring Minchas Nedavah of 60 Esronim in one Kli;


If he vowed to bring 61 Esronim, he brings 60 in one Kli and one in another Kli, for the most Soles the Tzibur brings on any day is 61 Esronim. This is when the first day of Sukos falls on Shabbos. (We bring 39 Esronim for Nesachim for 13 bulls, four Esronim for two rams, and 18 for 18 lambs);


It is proper for an individual to bring (in one Kli, at most) one less than the Tzibur.


R. Shimon: The Nesachim of different consistencies (e.g. Niskei Kevasim have less oil per Isaron than other Nesachim) cannot be mixed together! (Even b'Di'eved, one cannot say that the Tzibur brings 61 in one Kli.)


Rather, one may not bring 61 Esronim in one Kli because they cannot be mixed with the oil. (According to R. Eliezer ben Yakov, only one Log of oil is put into the Kli. According to Chachamim, there is a Log for each Isaron, but 61 is too much to be mixed in the Kli.)


Chachamim: It is unreasonable to say that 60 can be mixed, but 61 cannot be mixed!


R. Shimon: All Shi'urim that Chachamim fixed are like this!


(We expound that a Mikveh must contain enough water to envelop an (average) person's entire body. Chachamim said that this is the volume of a box one by one by three Amos tall, i.e. 40 Sa'im.) We say that one can immerse in 40 Sa'im, but not in a drop less than 40 Sa'im!


(Gemara) Question: What is the source that if one vowed to bring 61 Esronim, he brings 60 in one Kli and one in another Kli?


Answer #1 (R. Yehudah): The most the Tzibur brings on any day is 61 Esronim, when the first day of Sukos is on Shabbos. It is proper for an individual to bring (at most) one less than the Tzibur.


R. Shimon: The Nesachim of lambs are thicker (have less oil) than those of bulls or rams (they cannot be mixed together!) Some Nesachim (i.e. of the morning Tamid) must be mixed in the morning, and some (i.e. of the afternoon Tamid) must be mixed in the afternoon! (Really, all could be mixed individually in the morning, but all could not be put in one Kli, for part of the Nesachim (i.e. of the morning Tamid) must be offered in the morning, and part (i.e. of the afternoon Tamid) must be offered in the afternoon)


R. Yehudah: How do you answer?


Answer #2 (R. Shimon): "V'Chol Minchah Belulah ba'Shemen" teaches that a Minchah must be (small enough to be) mixable.




R. Yehudah: Sixty can be mixed, but 61 cannot be mixed?!


R. Shimon: All Shi'urim that Chachamim fixed are like this!


We say that one can immerse in 40 Sa'im, but not in a drop less than 40 Sa'im!


(The amount that one can swallow at once is the Shi'ur for Tum'as Ochlim. I.e. this amount of food is Mekabel Tum'ah mid'Oraisa, or it can be Metamei something else, or it can receive Hechsher (the ability to become Tamei) through a liquid.) Tum'as Ochlim applies to the volume of an egg, but not to a drop less!


Fabric three by three (Tefachim is proper to sit on, so it) is Mekabel Tum'as Medras, but a drop less is not Mekabel Tum'as Medras!


Question: Even if 61 cannot be mixed, it should be Kosher!


(Mishnah): If a Minchah was not mixed, it is Kosher.


Answer (R. Zeira): If a Minchah could have been mixed, mixing is not Me'akev. If it could not have been mixed, (e.g. it is too big), mixing is Me'akev.


(Rav Bivi): A case occurred in which Rebbi's mule died, Chachamim measured whether a Revi'is of blood came out. (A Revi'is has Tum'as Neveilah, since it could congeal to a k'Zayis.)


Question #1 (R. Yitzchak bar Bisna - Beraisa): R. Yehoshua and R. Yehoshua ben Beseira testified that blood of a Neveilah is Tahor.


Question #2 (R. Yitzchak bar Bisna - Beraisa - R. Yehoshua ben Beseira): A case occurred in which they were killing wild asses (Rashi; R. Gershom - herds of animals) to feed to the king's lions. Olei Regalim were up to their knees in blood. Chachamim did not comment (even though the Olim would enter the Mikdash and eat Kodshim!)


Rav Bivi was silent.


Rav Zerika: You should have answered!


Rav Bivi: I am not settled enough to answer. I must buy bread each day from a baker!


(R. Chanin): "V'Hayu Chayecha Telu'im Lecha mi'Neged" refers to one who must buy grain each year. (He worries lest he not have money to buy grain next year);


"U'Fachadta Laylah v'Yomam" is one who buys grain each week;


"V'Lo Sa'amin b'Chayecha" is one who buys bread each day from a baker.