TOSFOS DH u'Mo'alin Bahen uv'Mah sheb'Socho
úåñôåú ã"ä åîåòìéï áäï åáîä ùáúåëå
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that we discuss after it was uprooted.)
ôé' øùá''í áäîåëø àú äáéú (á''á ãó òè.) ãâáé áåø ùééê îòéìä ëâåï ùäöðéò çôöéí ìúåëå
Explanation #1 (Rashbam in Bava Basra 79a): Me'ilah applies to a pit, e.g. he hid items in it.
å÷ùéà ãàîøéðï ì÷îï (ãó éç:) ãàéï îòéìä áîçåáø
Objection: We say below (18b) that Me'ilah does not apply to what is attached!
ìëï ôø''ú ëâåï ùò÷ø çåìéà åðäðä äéîðä ãäåé úìåù
Explanation #2 (R. Tam): The case is, he uprooted a ring [of earth] and benefited from it, for it is detached [so Me'ilah applies].
TOSFOS DH Aval Im Hikdish Bor v'Achar Kach Nismalei...
úåñôåú ã"ä àáì àí ä÷ãéù áåø åàç''ë ðúîìà ëå' îåòìéï áäí àáì ìà îä ùáúåëå
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why there no Me'ilah.)
åìà (áéåðéí) [ö"ì ÷ðé - ùéèä î÷åáöú] îèòí äô÷ø ãçöø îùåí éã àéúøáàé (âèéï ãó ëà.) åàéï éã ìä÷ãù
Explanation: He does not acquire due to Hefker, for a Chatzer was included due to a Yad (Gitin 21a), and Hekdesh has no Yad;
åâáé àéìï åðúîìà îùåí ãàéï îòéìä áâéãåìé ä÷ãù
And regarding a tree and it became full, [there is no Me'ilah in what grew] because Me'ilah does not apply to Gidulei Hekdesh;
ø' éåñé àåîø ëå' ÷ñáø éù îòéìä áâéãåìéï
R. Yosi says... He holds that Me'ilah applies to Gidulin.
TOSFOS DH Vlad ha'Me'useres
úåñôåú ã"ä åìã äîòåùøú
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that we discuss a Chulin child.)
ëìåîø ùðåìã ÷åãí ùðëðñä àîå ìãéø ìäúòùø åäåä äåìã çåìéï åìëê ÷àîø ìà éðå÷ îï äîòåùøú ëãîôøù áâîøà èòîà î÷øà
Explanation: It was born before its mother entered the pen to be tithed, and the child is Chulin. Therefore, it says that it may not suckle from the Ma'aser, like the Gemara explains the reason from a verse.
TOSFOS DH v'Acherim Misnadvin Ken
úåñôåú ã"ä åàçøéí îúðãáéï ëï
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that they stipulate.)
ëìåîø åéù [áðé] àãí îúðãáéï åîúðéï ÷åãí äëðñúä ìãéø òì îðú ùúðé÷ áðä ùäåà çåìéï
Explanation #1: There are people who volunteer and stipulate before it enters the pen "on condition that it nurse its child, which is Chulin." (Tosfos will bring another Perush in the coming Dibur.)
åìã îå÷ãùéï ùäåà çåìéï ùðåìã ÷åãí ùä÷ãéù [äàí]
Vlad Mukdashin that is Chulin is when it was born before he was Makdish the mother.
TOSFOS DH ha'Po'alin Lo Yochlu mi'Grogeros Shel Hekdesh
úåñôåú ã"ä äôåòìéï ìà éàëìå îâøåâøåú ùì ä÷ãù
(SUMMARY: 1. Tosfos explains that there is no Heter to eat from Hekdesh. 2. Tosfos gives a new explanation of "people volunteer.")
àò''â ãáäãéåè ôåòì àåëì áéï áúìåù áéï áîçåáø ëãàîø áá''î (ãó ôæ.)
Implied question: [In a person's field,] a worker may eat both from what is detached and what is attached, like it says in Bava Metzi'a (87a)!
î''î áùì ä÷ãù àéðå àåëì ëãîôé÷ ìéä áâîøà î÷øà
Answer: In any case, from Hekdesh he may not eat, like we derive in the Gemara from a verse.
åëï ôøä ìà úàëì îï ëøùéðéí ùì ä÷ãù åîåúø ìçñåí ôéä
Explanation: And similarly, a [threshing] cow may not eat vetch of Hekdesh, and it is permitted to muzzle its mouth.
å÷ùéà òì îä ùôéøù åàçøéí îúðãáéï ùäéå îúðéí òì îðú ìäðé÷ ãìéùðà ìà îùîò ëï åä''ì ìîéîø åàçøéí îúðéï áëê
Question #1: This is difficult for what [Rashi] explained that others volunteer and stipulate "on condition that it nurse", for the words do not connote so. It should have said "others stipulate about this"! (Hagahah in Pirchei Kehunah - it seems that everything Tosfos brought from the beginning of DH Vlad was from Rashi, just Tosfos did not say so, or the reference to Rashi was omitted.)
åòåã ÷ùéà ãáúåñôúà ÷úðé ìä âáé ôåòìéí åôøä åäúí îä îåòéì äúðàé áãáø ùäåà ëáø ùì ä÷ãù
Question #2: In the Tosefta, this was taught regarding workers and a cow. There, how does a stipulation help for something that is already Hekdesh?!
ìëê ðøàä ìôøù åàçøéí îúðãáéï (ëå') [ö"ì ëï - éòá"ö] ëìåîø åàçøéí áòìé áúéí ðãéáé ìá äéå îúðãáéï ìäðé÷ àåúï åìãåú îáäîåú ùìäï (ùäéà) [ö"ì ùäéå - ùéèä î÷åáöú] çåìéï
Explanation #2: Others volunteer... i.e. other generous people (who own animals) volunteer so, i.e. to nurse those children [of Ma'aser] from their animals, which were Chulin;
åëï áôåòìéí åôøä (ùì ä÷ãù - ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã îåç÷å) ìôé ùòåùéï áùáéì ä÷ãù äéå òùéøéí îúðãáéï ìôøðñí
And similarly workers and a cow, because they work for Hekdesh, rich people volunteered to feed them.
úåñôåú ã"ä îàé èòîà
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the Drashah.)
àôåòìéí ãìà éàëìå ÷àé ãéùå [ùìê] åìà ùì ä÷ãù åàéú÷ù ôåòì ìùåø ëãàîø áá''î (ãó ôè.) àéú÷ù çåñí ìðçñí åðçñí ìçåñí
Explanation: This refers to workers, that they may not eat. "Disho" is your [threshing], and not of Hekdesh, and a worker is equated to an ox, like it says in Bava Metzi'a (89a) that Chosem (one who muzzles, i.e. a person) is equated to Nichsam (one who is muzzled, i.e. an animal) and vice-versa.
TOSFOS DH Kal'ilin
úåñôåú ã"ä ÷ìòéìéï
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this is a legume.)
îéï ÷èðéú äåà
Explanation: This is a kind of legume.
TOSFOS DH v'Ha b'Talush Ba'inan
úåñôåú ã"ä åäà áúìåù áòéðï
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why it must be detached.)
ãäà àéï îòéìä á÷ø÷ò áîçåáø
Explanation: This is because Me'ilah does not apply to attached land.
TOSFOS DH Avka Mailei
úåñôåú ã"ä àá÷ä îòìé
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the benefit of the dust.)
ôéøåù äàá÷ ùì ÷ø÷ò ùäåà úìåù ùîùáç ä÷èðéú ëùäåà ãù á÷ø÷ò ùì ä÷ãù äàá÷ òåìä îï ä÷ø÷ò
Explanation: The dust of the ground, which is detached, improves the legume. When it threshes on Hekdesh land, the dust rises from the ground.
TOSFOS DH Asya Ha'avarah Ha'avarah (belongs above before DH Mai Taima)
úåñôåú ã"ä àúéà äòáøä äòáøä (ùééê ìòéì ìôðé ã"ä îàé èòîà)
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why we need the Gezeirah Shavah.)
ãëúéá âáé áëåø (ãëúéá) (ùîåú éâ) åäòáøú ëì ôèø øçí âáé îòùø áäîä ëúéá (åé÷øà ëæ) ëì àùø éòáåø úçú äùáè
Explanation: It is written regarding Bechor "v'Ha'avartem Kol Peter Rechem." Regarding Ma'aser Behemah it says "Kol Asher Ya'avor Tachas ha'Shevet";
îä áëåø îåòìéï áå ìàå áçìá ÷àîø ùäøé ìà ùééëà äð÷ä ááëåø ãäà æëø äåà
Implied question: "Just like Bechor, Me'ilah applies to it" does not refer to milk, for suckling [from] a Bechor does not apply, for a Bechor is a male!
àìà ä''÷ îä áëåø îåòìéï áëåìå àó îòùø îåòìéï áëåìå åàó áäð÷ú äáï
Answer: It means as follows. Just like Bechor, Me'ilah applies to all of it, also Ma'aser, Me'ilah applies to all of it, and even nursing its child.
åìàå ãå÷à îåòìéï ãäà àîøéðï ìòéì (ãó éá:) çìá äîå÷ãùéï àéï îåòìéï áå
Observation: "Mo'alin" is not precise, for we said above (12a) that Me'ilah does not apply to milk of Mukdashim!
àìà øåöä ìåîø ùðàñø äçìá ìäðé÷ îîðå çìá äîå÷ãùéï ðîé ìäëé àñøéðï áîúðéúéï ìäðé÷ îîðå ãàúéà àîå àîå îáëåø
Rather, it means that the milk is forbidden to nurse from it. Also milk of [other] Kodshim, our Mishnah forbids nursing from it for we learn "Imo-Imo" from Bechor;
ãëúéá âáé áëåø áôøùú îùôèéí ùáòú éîéí éäéä òí àîå åâáé îå÷ãùéï ëúéá áôøùú àîåø ùáòú éîéí (éäéä) úçú àîå
It is written regarding Bechor in Parshas Mishpatim "Shiv'as Yamim Yihyeh Im Imo", and regarding Kodshim it is written in Parshas Emor "Shiv'as Yamim Tachas Imo."
åà''ú ìîä ìé ÷øà ìàñåø çìá äîå÷ãùéï úéôå÷ ìéä îããøùéðï áëåøåú (ãó èå.) âáé ôñåìé äîå÷ãùéï áùø åìà çìá
Question: Why do we need a verse to forbid milk of Kodshim? We should know from what we expound in Bechoros (15a) regarding Pesulei ha'Mukdashim "Basar", and not milk [and all the more so, milk of proper Kodshim is forbidden]!
åàéï ìåîø ãäúí äééðå ãå÷à ìàçø ùôéøù àáì áäð÷ä ìà àñåø àé ìàå äàé ÷øà ãäëà
Implied suggestion: That is only after it separated [from the mother], but nursing would not be forbidden, if not for the verse here.
æä àéðå (åãàé ãìëàåøä) [ö"ì ãäà åãàé ìëàåøä] îùîò ùçìá ôñåìé äîå÷ãùéï áëì òðéï äåà àñåø
2. Rejection: This is wrong, for surely, seemingly it connotes that milk of Pesulei ha'Mukdashim is forbidden in every case!
åé''î ãëé àñø øçîðà çìá ôñåìé äîå÷ãùéï äééðå áàëéìä ãëúéá (ãáøéí éá) åàëìú áùø åìà çìá àáì áäðàä ùøéà åìäëé öøéëéðï äëà ìâæøä ùåä ãàîå àîå ìàñåø àó äðàú éðé÷ú äåìã
Answer #1: Some explain that the Torah forbade milk of Pesulei ha'Mukdashim, i.e. to eat it, for it says "v'Achalta Basar", and not milk, but one may benefit from it. Therefore, we need a Gezeirah Shavah here "Imo-Imo" to forbid benefit of a child suckling.
åàéï ðøàä ãäà àîøéðï ôø÷ äùåçè (çåìéï ãó ìå.) äåàéì åàñéøé áâéæä åòáåãä ñì÷à ãòúê àîéðà ãîï ìéáòé ÷áåøä
Rejection: This is wrong, for we say in Chulin (36a) that since shearing and working are forbidden, one might have thought that its blood must be buried;
îùîò ãàó äçìá àñåø áäðàä åèòåï ÷áåøä ãäà åãàé îãîé ãí ìçìá åìà ìâéæä åòáåãä ëãôéøùúé áîúðéúéï ìòéì
Inference: Even milk is Asur b'Hana'ah and must be buried, for surely we compare blood to milk, and not to shearing and working, like I explained in our Mishnah above (12b DH Chalav);
ìëê ðøàä ìîåøé ùé' ãàé ìàå äàé ÷øà ãäëà ã÷àñø çìá áîå÷ãùéí ìà äåä ãøùéðï âáé ôñåìé äîå÷ãùéï ãáùø àúé ìîòåèé çìá ãìà äåä éãòéðï ìä ìîàé ÷àúé áùø ìîòåèé
Answer #2 (Tosfos' Rebbi): If not for the verse here, which forbids milk of Kodshim, we would not expound regarding Pesulei ha'Mukdashim that "Basar" comes to exclude milk. We would not know what "Basar" comes to exclude;
àáì äùúà ãàñø çìá áîå÷ãùéï ÷àúé áùø ìåîø àáì çìá ëã÷àé ÷àé
However, now that milk of Kodshim is forbidden, "Basar" comes to teach that milk keeps its status (it is forbidden in Kodshim, even after it got a Mum).
úãò îãàöèøéê ìëúåá åìà úâåæ áëåø (ùåøê åàñåø) [ö"ì öàðê ìàñåø - ùéèä î÷åáöú] âéæä á÷ãùéí
Proof: [The Torah] needed to write "v'Lo Sagoz Bechor Tzonecha" to forbid Gizah of Kodshim;
åàîàé öøéê úéôå÷ ìéä îãàîø âáé ôñåìé äîå÷ãùéí úæáç åìà âéæä
Question: Why is this needed? I should already know, since it says about Pesulei ha'Mukdashim "Tizbach", but not Gizah! (Acharonim ask that perhaps v'Lo Sagoz is a Lav to obligate lashes.)
àìà åãàé ìà äåä éãòðà ìîàé ÷àúé úæáç ìîòåèé àáì äùúà ãàñåø âéæä á÷ãùéí àí ëï àúé úæáç ìåîø àáì âéæä ëã÷ééîà ÷ééîà
Answer: Rather, surely we would not know what "Tizbach" comes to exclude. However, now that Gizah of Kodshim is forbidden, if so "Tizbach" comes to teach that Gizah keeps its status (it is Asur in Kodshim, even after it got a Mum).
åàí úàîø áîøåáä (á''÷ ãó òæ:) ã÷àîø ëì î÷åí (îëàï îòîåã á) ùðàîø ùä àéðå àìà ìäåöéà ëìàéí ìîàé
Question - Citation (Bava Kama 77b): Wherever it says "Seh", it is only to exclude Kil'ayim (a crossbreed). For what is this needed?
àé ìáëåøä éìéó äòáøä äòáøä îîòùø åîòùø úçú úçú îå÷ãùéí
Citation (cont.): If it is for Bechor, we learn "Ha'avarah-Ha'avarah" from Ma'aser, and Ma'aser [we learn from] Tachas-Tachas from Kodshim;
ì''ì ìîéìó áëåø îîòùø åîòùø î÷ãùéí ìéìó áëåø î÷ãùéí áâæøä ùåä ãàîå àîå
Summation of question: Why do we need to learn Bechor from Ma'aser, and Ma'aser from Kodshim? We should learn Bechor from Kodshim from the Gezeirah Shavah "Imo-Imo"!
åé''ì ãìà ãøéù ìä àìà ìòðéï ãáø äúìåé áàí ëâåï äð÷ä ãäëà åëâåï ìòðéï ìéãä áøéù ô' éåöà ãåôï (ðãä ãó î.) àáì ìòðéï ãáø àçø ìà ðéúðä ìéãøù
Answer: We expound [the Gezeirah Shavah] only regarding something that depends on the mother, like here, and like the case of birth, in Nidah (40a). However, it was not given to expound about another matter.
åáäàé úéøåöà îéúøöà ÷åùéà àçøéúà ùéù ìä÷ùåú
Support: This answer answers another question that one could ask;
äéàê éìéó îáëåø ùäåà àñåø ìäðé÷ åäà àéï ãðéï àôùø îùàé àôùø [ö"ì ëâåï - ùéèä î÷åáöú] îáëåø ãìéúéä áäð÷ä ãæëø äåà
Question: How can we learn [Ma'aser and Kodshim] from Bechor, that [a Kadosh mother] may not nurse [its child]? We do not judge possible from impossible, e.g. from Bechor, which cannot nurse, for it is a male!
åìôé îàé ãôøé' ðéçà ãò''ë öøéê ììîåã îáëåø ìòðéï )î''î) [ö"ì äð÷ä îâæ"ù ãàîå àîå ãìà ùééëà ìîãøù ãáø àçø - ùéèä î÷åáöú]
Answer: According to what I explained, it is fine. You are forced to learn [Kodshim] from Bechor regarding nursing from the Gezeirah Shavah "Imo-Imo", for it is not feasible to expound anything else;
(åàó ìòðéï ãéìôéðï) [ö"ì åàò"â ãéìôéðï áëåø îîòùø ìòðéï ëìàéí - öàï ÷ãùéí] îâæéøä ùåä ãäòáøä äòáøä (î''î - éù îåç÷å) ëéåï ãìà ðéúï ììîåã îå÷ãùéí îáëåø [ö"ì ëê àí] ìòðéï äð÷ä àò''â ãàôùø îàé àôùø äåé
And even though we learn Bechor from Ma'aser regarding Kil'ayim from the Gezeirah Shavah "Ha'avarah-Ha'avarah" (so we are not forced to learn anything else) , since we can learn Kodshim from Bechor only regarding nursing, even though it is possible from impossible...
ëîå ëï ìòðéï îòùø (àìà éìôéðï ùôéø îáëåø ëê ã÷ã÷ åèøé) [ö"ì ðàîø ãéìôéðï ùôéø îáëåø ëê ã÷ã÷ îåøé - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ìéùá ùéèú äúåñ' òì áåøéä
Likewise for Ma'aser, we say that we properly learn [nursing] from Bechor. So my Rebbi was meticulous to fully resolve Tosfos' opinion.
åëì æä ãåç÷ îàã
Objection #1: All this is very difficult.
åòåã ÷ùéà ãîéìúà ãôùéèà äåà ãåìã äîòåùøú ìà éð÷ îï äîòåùøú ëéåï ùäåà çåìéï ãäà ëáø úðà ìòéì çìá äîå÷ãùéï ìà ðäðéï
Objection #2: Obviously, the child of Ma'aser may not suckle from Ma'aser, since it is Chulin! It was already taught above (Mishnah, 12b) that one may not benefit from milk of Kodshim!
åòåã ã÷àîø åàçøéí îúðãáéï ëï åáîúðé' ôéøùúé ùäéå òùéøéí îúðãáéí ìäðé÷ àú äåìãåú îáäîåú ùìäí åîä ðãáä äéà æàú ëéåï ãìéú ùåí øéåç ìä÷ãù
Objection #3: It says that others volunteer... and in our Mishnah (13a DH ha'Po'alin), I explained that rich people volunteered their animals to nurse the offspring. What Nedavah is this, since there is no benefit to Hekdesh?!
ìëê ðøàä ìîåøé ø' äøá ø' ôøõ ùéçé' ãîúðé' îééøé áååìã îòåùøú ååìã îå÷ãùéí ùéìãå îùäéå îå÷ãùéï åäééðå øáåúà ãàô''ä àñåø ìäðé÷ îäí
Answer #3 (to Question (e) - Tosfos' Rebbi, R. Peretz): Our Mishnah discusses the child of Ma'aser - the child of Kodshim that gave birth when they were Kodshim. The Chidush is that even so, it is forbidden to nurse the child from them;
åäééðå äà ã÷àîø åàçøéí îúðãáéï ëï ùáùáéì ùäéå äåìãåú (ìä÷ãù) [ö"ì ùì ä÷ãù] äéå îúðãáéï ìäðé÷ àåúí
This is why it says that others volunteer. Because the animals were of Hekdesh, people volunteered their animals to nurse them;
å÷áòé áâîøà îðä''î ãìà éðå÷ îàîå åäëúéá úçú àîå ãîùîò àôéìå äéúä àîå ÷ãåùä î''î éåð÷ îîðä å÷àúéà äòáøä äòáøä îáëåø
The Gemara asks what is the source that it may not suckle from its mother? It is written "Tachas Imo", which connotes that if its mother was Kadosh, in any case it suckles from it. We learn [unlike this] from a Gezeirah Shavah "Ha'avarah-Ha'avarah" from Bechor. (We are forced to say that Tachas Imo applies only when its mother is Chulin);
îä áëåø îåòìéï áå ôéøåù ùàñåø ìäðé÷ àú äáëåø îáäîú îòùø å÷ãùéí ãäà ìà îöéðå áëåø ùì áäîú îòùø å÷ãùéí ùäøé äí ôèåøéí îï äáëåøåú àó îòùø
Just like Me'ilah applies to Bechor - i.e. one may not nurse a Bechor from an animal of Ma'aser or Kodshim, for [the verse does not permit this, for] we do not find Bechor of an animal of Ma'aser or Kodshim, for they [such mothers] are exempt from Bechorah - also Ma'aser;
ëìåîø àó åìã ùäåà ÷ãåù ÷ãåùú äîòùø ùðåìã îáäîú îòùø àñåø ìäðé÷ îàîå ùäåà îòùø
Explanation: Also a child that has Kedushas Ma'aser, that it was born to an animal of Ma'aser, one may not nurse it from its mother, which is Ma'aser.
åçìá äîå÷ãùéï ðîé àúéà àîå àîå îáëåø ãîä àîå äàîåø ááëåø àéðä ùì ä÷ãù ãáäîä ùì ä÷ãù ôèåøä îï äáëåøä
Also milk of Kodshim, we learn from "Imo-Imo" from Bechor. Just like Imo mentioned regarding Bechor is not Kadosh, for a Hekdesh animal (mother) is exempt from Bechorah...
àó àîå äàîåø á÷ãùéí ãëúéá ùáòú éîéí (éäéä) úçú àîå ãîùîò ìôé äôùè ùîåúø ìäðé÷ ìåìãåú ùì áäîú ÷ãùéí îàîå ùäéà ÷ãåùä àéðå ëï
Also Imo mentioned regarding Kodshim, that it says Shiv'as Yamim Tachas Imo", which the simple meaning connotes that offspring of a Kadosh animal, one may nurse them from their mother, this is not so;
ãåãàé (àåúä) [ö"ì àîå ø"ì - ùéèä î÷åáöú] àí ãçåìéï åìëê îåúø ìäðé÷ îàîå àáì àí äéà ÷ãåùä àñåø ìäðé÷ ìå
Surely, Imo (in the verse) means a Chulin mother, therefore one may nurse [the child] from its mother. However, if [the mother] is Kadosh, it may not nurse it.
åäùúà ðéçà ãùôéø àéöèøéê â''ù ìäëé ãàó ëùäåìã ùì ä÷ãù àñåø (ìäáéà) [ö"ì ìäðé÷ - ùéèä î÷åáöú] îï äàí
Support #1: Now it is fine. We properly need the Gezeirah Shavah for this, that even when the child is Hekdesh, one may not nurse it from the mother.
åâí ðéçà ãìà éìôéðï äúí îäê â''ù ãàîå àîå ãäà ìà ãøùéðï äê â''ù àìà ììîåã ãàîå ãâáé ÷ãùéí ø''ì ùäàí çåìéï ëîå àîå ãâáé áëåø ëãôéøùðå
Support #2: Also it is fine that we do not learn there from this Gezeirah Shavah Imo-Imo, for we expound this Gezeirah Shavah only to learn that Imo regarding Kodshim refers to a Chulin mother, just like the mother of Bechor, like we explained.
TOSFOS DH Sharshei Ilan Shel Hedyot
úåñôåú ã"ä ùøùé àéìï ùì äãéåè
(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that the Gemara in Bava Basra explains this.)
áá''á ôø÷ ìà éçôåø (ãó ëå:) îôøù ìä ùôéø
Reference: In Bava Basra (26b) it properly explains this. (It asks the Reisha against the Seifa. It answers that it discusses roots that grew after the tree was made Hekdash; the Tana holds that Me'ilah does not apply to Gidulei Hekdesh. Alternatively, Ravina answers that roots within 16 Amos belong to the tree's owner, and those past 16 Amos belong to the owner of the field.)
TOSFOS DH Mayim sheb'Kad Shel Zahav
úåñôåú ã"ä îéí ùáëã ùì æäá
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that this Kli was not Mekudash.)
áùîçú áéú äùåàáä îééøé ùäéå îîìàéí îàúîåì îîé äùìåç åðåúðéï àåúä ìçáéú ùàéðä î÷åãùú ùìà éäéå ðôñìéï [áìéðä] ëãàîø ôø÷ ìåìá åòøáä (ñåëä ãó îç:)
Explanation: It discusses Simchas Beis ha'Sho'evah. They used to fill [a Kli] with water the day before from the Shilu'ach and put it in a barrel that is not Mekudash, lest it be disqualified through Linah, like it says in Sukah (48b);
(åàéï úéîà ãëã) [ö"ì åëã - ùéèä î÷åáöú] äééðå çáéú (á''÷ ãó ëæ.)
And Kad [in our Mishnah] is Chavis [mentioned in Sukah, for these are interchangeable - Bava Kama 27a].
TOSFOS DH Nasno l'Tzeluchis
úåñôåú ã"ä ðúðå ìöìåçéú
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that it was a Kli Shares.)
àåúä öìåçéú äéúä ëìé ùøú åìëê îåòìéï áäí
Explanation: That flask was a Kli Shares. Therefore, Me'ilah applies to [the water].
úåñôåú ã"ä òøáä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why there is no Me'ilah.)
[ö"ì ùáä - ùéèä î÷åáöú] äéå î÷éôéï äîæáç (åìà) [ö"ì ìà - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ðäðéï åìà îåòìéï ìôé ùìà ÷ãùå
Explanation: [The Aravah] with which they circled the Mizbe'ach, one may not benefit, but Me'ilah does not apply to it, since it was not made Kadosh.
TOSFOS DH Nosnin Hayu Mehem Zekenim b'Lulaveihem
úåñôåú ã"ä (ðäðéï) [ö"ì ðåúðéï - ãôåñ åéðéöéä] äéå îäí æ÷ðéí áìåìáéäí
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why this was permitted.)
÷ñáø îöåú ìàå ìéäðåú ðéúðå
[Chachamim put from the Aravos] with their Lulavim [for Mitzvas Arba'ah Minim. R. Eliezer b'Ribi Tzadok] holds that Mitzvos Lav Leihanos Nitnu (fulfillment of Mitzvos is not considered benefit).
TOSFOS DH Aval Mo'alin b'Gimel Lugin
úåñôåú ã"ä àáì îåòìéï áâ' ìåâéï
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the Havah Amina and the conclusion.)
å÷ñ''ã ã÷àé àøéùà ãîúðé' ã÷àîø îéí ùáëã ìà ðäðéï åìà îåòìéï å÷àîø ãáâ' ìåâéï îåòìéï
Explanation #1: We are thinking that this refers to the Reisha of our Mishnah. It says that water in the Kad, one may not benefit, but Me'ilah does not apply. [Reish Lakish] teaches that Me'ilah applies to three Lugim;
åìäëé ôøéê åäà ÷úðé ñéôà ðúðå áöìåçéú îåòìéï áäï ãîùîò àáì (àøéùà) [ö"ì áøéùà - öàï ÷ãùéí] ìéëà îòéìä (ùáëã ìà ð÷ãù) [ö"ì ùäëã ìà ðú÷ãù - ùéèä î÷åáöú]
Therefore, [the Gemara] asks that the Seifa taught "if he put it in a Tzeluchis, Me'ilah applies to it", but in the Reisha Me'ilah does not apply, for the Kad was not made Kadosh.
àìà [àé] àéúîø ëå' àîø ø''ù áï ì÷éù ì''ù äà ã÷àîø âáé öìåçéú ãîåòì áäï àìà áâ' ìåâéï ã÷ñáø éù ùéòåø ìîéí áâ' ìåâéï åàí éù éåúø îâ' ìåâéï àéï îåòìéï àìà áâ' ìåâéï ãàéï äîéí î÷åãù ë''à ëùéòåø äöøéê ìðñëé äîéí àáì àí éùúä îâ' ìåâéï äàçøåðéí éäéä îåòì
[It answers that] rather, it was taught [as follows]. Reish Lakish said, it was taught about a Tzeluchis that Me'ilah applies to it, only for three Lugim. If there are more than three Lugim, Me'ilah applies only to three Lugim. Only the amount of water needed for Nisuch ha'Mayim becomes Kadosh. However, if he drinks from the last three Lugim, he will be Mo'el (for surely, some of what he drank was Kadosh. Olas Shlomo - he intended that the extra water is for Achrayus. As long as three Lugim remain, they will be for Nisuch ha'Mayim, and what he drank was Chulin.)
åé''î ùäéä áå áëìé äøáä îéí å÷àîø ãàéï îåòìéï òã ùéùúä ùìùä ìåâéï ãæäå ùéòåø
Explanation #2: Some say that there was much water in the Kli, and he said that he is not Mo'el until he drinks three Lugim, for this is the Shi'ur.
TOSFOS DH R. Eliezer b'Shitas R. Akiva Rabo Amar
úåñôåú ã"ä øáé àìéòæø áùéèú ø''ò øáå àîø
(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses the inference that there is a Shi'ur.)
åðñëéä àéðå àåîø ðñëä àìà åðñëéä ãîùîò á' ðéñåëéï åî÷éù ðéñåê äîéí ìðñëé ééï äåàéì åîçã ÷øà ðô÷é
Explanation: [It says] "u'Nsacheha". It does not say Niskah, rather, u'Nsacheha, which connotes two Nesachim, and it equates Nisuch ha'Mayim to Nisuch ha'Yayin, since we learn them from one verse;
îä ðñëé ééï äîðñëå áçåõ [ö"ì çééá àó ðñëé äîéí äîðñëå áçåõ - ùéèä î÷åáöú] éäà çééá åàø''ì àé îä ééï â' ìåâéï àó îéí â' ìåâéï
Just like Nisuch ha'Yayin, one who pours it [l'Shem Hakravah] outside [the Mikdash] is liable, also Nisuch ha'Mayim one who pours it outside should be liable, and Reish Lakish said that just like wine, the [minimal] Shi'ur is three Lugim, also water, the Shi'ur should be three Lugim!
åáæáçéí ôø÷ äùåçè åäîòìä (ãó ÷é:) îñé÷ áúø äëé åäà îé äçâ ÷àîø (ãàéï ùéòåø ìîéí - ùéèä î÷åáöú îåç÷å) åñéåîà ã÷åùéà äåà ëìåîø åë''ú ãàéï ä''ð åäà îé äçâ ÷àîø ãîùîò ãàéï ùéòåø ìîéí
And in Zevachim (110b) it concludes after this 'he said "Mei ha'Chag"!' This is the conclusion of the question. I.e. if you will say that indeed [the Shi'ur is three Lugim], [R. Eliezer] said "Mei ha'Chag", which connotes that there is no Shi'ur for the water!
àìîà ÷ñáø øùá''ì àéï ùéòåø ìîéí
Inference: Reish Lakish holds that there is no Shi'ur for the water.
(åàé) [ö"ì ãàé - ùéèä î÷åáöú ëúá éã, öàï ÷ãùéí] ÷ñáø éù ùéòåø à''ë îàé ôøéê àé îä ééï â' ìåâéï àó îéí â' ìåâéï åäà àéäå âåôéä àéú ìéä äëé
Source: If he held that there is a Shi'ur, if so, what did he ask "if just like wine is three Lugim, also water is three Lugim!"? He himself holds like this!
åîùðé ìèòîà ãîðçí éåãôàä ÷àîø ëìåîø ø''ì âåôéä ñáø ãéù ùéòåø ìîéí åäà ã÷ôøéê äúí àé îä ðñëé ééï ëìåîø ìèòîà (ãîëç äê) [ö"ì ãîðçí éåãôàä - ùéèä î÷åáöú] ÷ôøéê
Explanation #1: It answers that he said according to Menachem Yudfa'ah. I.e. Reish Lakish himself holds that there is a Shi'ur. What he asked there "if just like Nesachim of wine..." was according to Menachem Yudfa'ah's reasoning;
ãôéøù èòîà ãø''à åàéú ìéä ìø''à ãàéï ùéòåø ìîéí åìäëé ôøéê äåàéì åø' àìòæø î÷éù îéí ìééï à''ë àîàé ÷àîø àéï ùéòåø ìîéí
[Menachem] explained R. Eliezer's reasoning, that R. Eliezer holds that there is no Shi'ur for the water. Therefore, [Reish Lakish] asked, since R. Eliezer equates water to wine, if so, why does he hold that there is no Shi'ur for the water?
åé''î ãääéà ãìòéì ãîåòìéï áâ' ìåâéï àìéáà ãîðçí ãîôé÷ ìéä î÷øà ãàéú÷ù ðñëé îéí ìðñëé ééï åà''ë éù ùéòåø ìîéí
Explanation #2: Some explain that what was taught above that Me'ilah applies to three Lugim is according to Menachem, who learns from a verse that Nisuch ha'Mayim is equated to Nisuch ha'Yayin. If so, there is a Shi'ur for the water.
åì''ð ãäëà îðçí éåãôàä îàï ãëø ùîéä
Rebuttal #1: Here, who mentioned Menachem Yudfa'ah?! (He is brought only later in the Sugya. We cannot say that Reish Lakish taught according to him!)
åòåã ãáôø÷ äùåçè åäîòìä (â''æ ùí) îùîò ãîðçí ìà áòé ùéòåø å÷åùéà ãø''ì ãî÷ùä ìéä ìàå îéìúà äéà
Rebuttal #2: In Zevachim (110b) it concludes that Menachem does not require a Shi'ur, and Reish Lakish's question against him was unfounded. (Menachem meant only that R. Elazar holds that it is mid'Oraisa, like R. Akiva, but not that he learns from the Hekesh. Rather, it is a tradition from Sinai.)
TOSFOS DH ha'Kan she'Rosh ha'Ilan
úåñôåú ã"ä ä÷ï ùáøàù äàéìï
(SUMMARY: Tosfos says that the Gemara explains this.)
áâî' îôøù ìä ùôéø
Remark: The Gemara properly explains this.
TOSFOS DH Yatiz b'Kaneh
úåñôåú ã"ä éúéæ á÷ðä
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why he must shake it through a stick.)
åìà (é÷çí áéãå) [ö"ì éòìä åé÷çí áéãå ãà"ë ðäðä îï äàùøä - ùéèä î÷åáöú] àìà îðòðòå ò''é î÷ì åéôåì
Explanation: He does not ascend [on the tree] and take them in his hand, for if so, he benefits from the Asheirah! Rather, he shakes it through the stick, and it falls.
TOSFOS DH ha'Makdish ha'Choresh
úåñôåú ã"ä äî÷ãéù äçåøù
(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains the word Choresh.)
éòø áì' úøâåí:
Explanation: [Choresh] is the translation of forest.