
DOUBTFUL DISQUALIFICATIONS (Yerushalmi Halachah 3 Daf 44b)

רב יהודה בשם רב הלכה כר' לעזר


Rav Yehudah citing Rav: The Halachah follows R. Eliezer (in the Mishnah above - see 74-1) (c)).

דברי חכמים


Question: What is the reasoning of the Chachamim who disagree with him?

ר' ירמיה בשם רבי שמואל בר רב יצחק לא יבא ממזר בקהל י''י בקהל ברור אינו בא. בא הוא בקהל ספק.


R. Yirmiyah citing R. Shmuel bar Rav Yitzchak: The pasuk states (Devarim 23, 3), "A Mamzer shall not enter the congregation of Hashem'' - he may not enter a certain congregation but he may enter a doubtful congregation.

תמן תנינן ספק בן תשעה לראשון ספק בן ז' לאחרון יוציא והוולד כשר וחייבין אשם תלוי.


Mishnah in Maseches Yevamos: (If a man did yibum and then discovered that his yevamah is pregnant) - the child is either a 9th month child from the first husband or a 7th month child from the yavam. They must separate, child is Kasher and they must bring an Asham Talui offering (since it is unclear whether they transgressed the prohibition of relations between a brother and sister in law when there is no Mitzvah of yibum).

תני הראשון כשר להיות כהן והשני ממזר בספק


Beraisa: (If they did not divorce and they had a second child) The first child is Kasher to be a Kohen and the second is a doubtful Mamzer.

רבי אליעזר בן יעקב אומר אין ממזר בספק


R. Eliezer ben Yaakov: There is no prohibition for a doubtful Mamzer to marry a regular Jew.

מודה ר' אליעזר בן יעקב בספק כותים ובספק חללים כההיא דתנינן תמן עשרה יוחסין עלו מבבל על דעתיה דרבי אליעזר בן יעקב שמונה. על דעתיה דרבן גמליאל ור' אלעזר תשעה. על דעתיה דרבנין עשרה:


R. Eliezer ben Yaakov agrees that a doubtful Kusi and a doubtful Chalal may not marry a regular Jew or a Kohen, as the Torah only permitted a doubtful Mamzer, as the Mishnah taught earlier, that ten categories of genealogy ascended from Bavel (including Shtuki and Asufi). According to R. Eliezer ben Yaakov there were 8 categories (as Shtuki and Asufi may marry). According to Rabban Gamliel and R. Elazar there were 9 categories (as Shtuki is Baduki, that can marry). According to the Rabbanan, there were 10 categories.