[47a - 46 lines; 47b - 51 lines]

1)[line 3]מדנפשה קאכלהMID'NAFSHAH KA'ACHLAH- she is eating from what belongs to her

2a)[line 4]באלוןB'ALON- (O.F. glant) with an acorn

b)[line 4]ברמוןB'RIMON- with a pomegranate

c)[line 4]ובאגוזUV'EGOZ- and with a nut

3a)[line 30]כלליKELALEI- general statements (i.e. one statement of Kidushin that includes all of the things that he gives to her - i.e. "Become betrothed to me with this, this, and this")

b)[line 30]פרטיPERATEI- specific statements (i.e. separate statements of Kidushin for each of the items that he gives to her - i.e. "Become betrothed to me with this, and become betrothed to me with this, and become betrothed to me with this")

4)[line 33]מלוה להוצאה ניתנהMILVAH L'HOTZA'AH NITNAH- [the money of] a loan is given to be spent

5a)[line 37]הונא חבריןHUNA CHAVRIN- Huna our colleague

b)[line 37]מוקים לה במילי אוחריMUKIM LAH B'MILEI OCHAREI- sets it up (i.e. the Beraisa) as referring to something else

6)[line 38]במנה /דינרMANEH / DINAR (CURRENCY OF THE TALMUD)

(a)The relationship between the various coins mentioned in the Talmud is as follows:

1.1 Maneh = 25 Sela'im = 100 Dinerin

2.1 Dinar Zahav (gold Dinar) = 25 Dinerin

3.1 Sela = 2 Shekel

4.1 Shekel = 2 Dinerin

5.1 Dinar = 6 Me'ah

6.1 Rova Shekel (or Sela Medinah) = 3 Me'ah

7.1 Me'ah = 2 Pundeyon

8.1 Pundeyon = 2 Isar

9.1 Isar = 8 Perutah (or sometimes 6 Perutah - see Kidushin 12a)

(b)Another name for a Dinar is a Zuz. All of the coins listed above (including the standard Dinar) are silver, except for the Dinar Zahav, which is gold, and the Perutos, which are copper.

7)[line 41]לימא כתנאי אמרה לשמעתיהLEIMA K'TANA'EI AMRAH LI'SHEMA'ATEI- should we say that he (Rebbi Elazar) said his teaching according to [one side of] a Machlokes among Tana'im


8a)[line 7]מתרצתאMETARTZESA- correct

b)[line 7]משבשתאMESHABESHTA- faulty, incorrect

9)[line 18]אשכחתינהו לרבנן בבי רב דיתבי וקאמריASHKACHTINHU L'RABANAN B'VEI RAV D'YASVEI V'KA'AMREI- I found them, the Rabanan, in the house of study, sitting and discussing

10a)[line 19]במלוה ברשות בעלים לחזרהB'MILVEH BI'RESHUS BE'ALIM L'CHAZARAH- [with the money of] a loan is in the possession of the owner (the lender) with regard to retracting it (that is, even though the lender has given the money to the borrower, as long as the money has not yet been spent, it is considered to be in the possession of the lender and thus he may retract the loan)

b)[line 20]והוא הדין לאונסיןV'HU HA'DIN L'ONSIN- and the same applies with regard to uncontrollable accidents (that is, the borrower is not responsible if the money is, in any way, lost or destroyed, since it is considered to still be in the possession of the lender, until it is spent)

11)[line 25]משאלהMI'SHE'EILAH- a borrowed item (other than money)

12)[line 25]דהדרה בעינאD'HADRA B'EINA- that it must be returned in its present state

13)[line 29]קורדוםKORDOM- an axe or hatchet for chopping wood

14)[line 29]ביקע בו קנאוBIKE'A BO, KENA'O- once he has cut wood with it, he has acquired it [to the extent that the lender cannot retract the loan of the Kordom - RASHI]

15)[line 34]בשטר חובB'SHTAR CHOV- with a loan document

16)[line 35]והירשה עליהםV'HIRSHAH ALEIHEM- and he granted her with power of attorney over them (the money of the loan)

17)[line 43]אותיות נקנות במסירהOSIYOS NIKNOS B'MESIRAH- a Shtar (document of debt) is acquired by handing it over ("Mesirah") to the buyer (or, if it is a gift, to the recipient) [and a deed of sale or a document recording the gift is not needed to transfer ownership]

18)[line 44]בין שכתבBEIN SHE'KASAV- [regardless of] whether he wrote [a deed of sale on the Shtar Chov]

19)[line 49]קני לך הוא וכל שעבודיהKENI LACH, HU V'CHOL SHI'ABUDEI- it (the Shtar Chov) is transferred to [and acquired by] you - it and all of its entitlements