[31a - 51 lines; 31b - 48 lines]

1)[line 1]שמשדלתו בדבריםMESHADLASO BI'DEVARIM- she persuades (charms) him with words

2)[line 11]"הדום רגלי""HADOM RAGLAI"- "my footstool" (Yeshayah 66:1)

3)[line 13]בקומה זקופהB'KOMAH ZEKUFAH- with erect stature (connoting haughtiness, see also RASHI to Shabbos 62b)

4)[line 14]"מלא כל הארץ כבודו""MELO CHOL HA'ARETZ KEVODO."- "The entire world is filled with His glory." (Yeshayah 6:3)

5)[line 15]לא מסגי ארבע אמות בגילוי הראשLO MASGEI ARBA AMOS B'GILUY HA'ROSH- he did not walk four Amos with a bare head

6)[line 21]אמר לו כך. אמר לו 'רבי נתגרשה מהו?'AMAR LO KACH. AMAR LO 'REBBI, NISGARSHAH MAHU?'- he (Rebbi Yehoshua) said to him as such (i.e. the same answer that Rebbi Eliezer gave him). [Then] he (the young man) said to him, "Rebbi what if one's mother is divorced?"

7)[line 22]ריסי עיניךRISEI EINECHA- the eyelids of your eyes

8)[line 23]הטל להן מים בספלHATEL LAHEN MAYIM B'SAFEL- place for them water in a trough

9)[line 24]וקעקע להן כתרנגוליןV'KA'AKE'A LAHEN K'SARNEGOLIN- cackle to them like [one does for the] roosters [when calling them to drink or eat]

10)[line 25]אפיתחא דבי נשיאהA'PISCHA D'VEI NESI'AH- on the entrance of the house of the Nasi (leader)

11)[line 37]פרקמטיאPERAKMATYA- a certain merchandise

12)[line 37]בששים ריבוא שכרB'SHISHIM RIBO SECHAR- for a profit of 600,000 gold Dinars

13)[line 41]לאפודEFOD - the apron of the Kohen Gadol

(a)The Kohen Gadol must wear the eight vestments of the Kohen Gadol when he does the Avodah in the Beis ha'Mikdash (RAMBAM Hilchos Klei ha'Mikdash 4:12-13). The eight vestments are 1. Tzitz (forehead-plate), 2. Efod (apron), 3. Choshen (breastplate), 4. Me'il (robe), 5. Kutones (long shirt), 6. Michnasayim (breeches), 7. Avnet (belt), 8. Mitznefes (turban).

(b)The Efod was essentially like a half-cape worn at the back, as wide as the body, reaching from just below the elbow to the heel. It had a belt that was an extension of the weave on top of the cape that was also woven out to the sides, long enough to be tied in the front. It also had two shoulder straps that were sewn onto the belt right over the upper corners of the cape. These straps were long enough to reach slightly over the shoulders. At the point on these straps that covered the shoulders, the settings for the Avnei ha'Efod were attached. The ends of these straps were attached to the Choshen with golden braids or chains.

(c)The two Avnei ha'Efod were possibly sardonyx or beryl. The names of six tribes were engraved on each stone. There is a Machlokes Tana'im as to which names, and in which order, were on each stone.

14)[line 46]עאכו''כAAKV'K (AL ACHAS KAMAH V'CHAMAH)- how much more so

15)[line 46]דאר''חDAR'CH (D'AMAR REBBI CHANINA)- for Rebbi Chanina said

16)[line 46]רב יוסףRAV YOSEF- (Rav Yosef was blind)

17)[line 46]מריש הוה אמינאME'REISH HAVAH AMINA- At first, I used to say

18)[line 47]הלכה כר''יHALACHAH K'R'Y- the Halachah is like Rebbi Yehudah

19)[line 47]סומאSUMA- a blind person

20)[line 50]סירקון של זהבSIRKON SHEL ZAHAV- (O.F. cender) a garment of silk [embroidered] with gold [thread]

21)[line 50]וטפחה לו על ראשוV'TIPCHAH LO AL ROSHO- and she whacked him on his head

22)[line 50]וירקה לו בפניוV'YARKAH LO B'FANAV- and she spit in his face

23)[last line]פסיוניPISYONEI- pheasant (a fat bird that is a fine delicacy)

24)[last line]וטורדו מן העולםV'TORDO MIN HA'OLAM- and it punishes him (the son) by removing him from the world

25)[last line]מטחינו בריחיםMATCHINO B'REICHAYIM- he makes him (the father) grind at the millstone


26)[line 2]אבימי בריAVIMI BRI- Avimi, my son

27)[line 3]בני סמכיBANEI SAMCHEI- reliable sons

28)[line 4]קרי אבבאKARI A'BAVA- called at the gate

29)[line 4]רהיט ואזיל ופתח ליהRAHIT V'AZIL U'FASACH LEI- he personally ran and went and opened [the gate] for him

30)[line 5]ואמר 'אין אין' עד דמטאי התםV'AMAR 'EIN, EIN' AD D'MATAI HASAM- and he said, "Yes! Yes! (I'm coming!)" until he came there (to the gate)

31)[line 6]נמנםNIMNEM- he dozed off

32)[line 7]גחין קאי עליה עד דאיתערGACHIN KAI ALEI AD D'IS'AR- he bent down and stood over him until he woke up

33)[line 7]מזמור לאסף איסתייעא מילתיה ודרש אבימיISTAI'A MILSA V'DARASH AVIMI MIZMOR L'ASAF- the moment had Divine assistance and he expounded the psalm of "Mizmor l'Asaf" (Tehilim 79; see RASHI and TOSFOS)

34)[line 9]דעד דאתינא מבי רבD'AD D'ASINA MI'BEI RAV- that when I come back from house of study

35)[line 10]אבא מדלי לי כסאABA MADLI LI KASA- father pours a cup for me

36)[line 10]ואמא מזגה ליV'IMA MAZGAH LI- and my mother dilutes (the drink) for me

37)[line 12]חלשה דעתיהCHALSHAH DA'ATEI- he will be offended (upset, dejected)

38a)[line 13]דכל אימת דהות בעיא למיסק לפוריאD'CHOL EIMAS D'HAVAS BA'AYA L'MEISAK L'FURIYA- that whenever she wanted to go up to her bed

b)[line 14]גחין וסליק להGACHIN V'SALIK LAH- he bent down and lifted her up

39)[line 15]וכל אימת דהות נחית נחתת עלויהV'CHOL EIMAS D'HAVAS NACHIS, NACHESAS ILAVEI- and whenever she wanted to go down (from the bed), she went down upon him

40)[line 17]ארנקיARNEKI- a change purse or money bag that contains money

41)[line 19]קל כרעא דאמיהKAL KAR'A D'IMEI- the sound of the footsteps of his mother

42)[line 20]חמאןCHAMA'AN- saw them

43a)[line 21]כי עברתו אמו מת אביוKI ABARTO IMO, MES AVIV- when his mother conceived him, his father died

b)[line 21]ילדתו מתה אמוYELADATU, MESAH IMO- when she gave birth to him, his mother died

44)[line 23]מרבינתיה הואיMARBINASEI HAVAH- his nursemaid; foster mother

45)[line 25]תכשיטיןTACHSHITIN- jewelry, adornments

46)[line 26]נייעין לךNI'AYEIN LACH- I will look into it for you (and try to find you a husband)

47)[line 26]שבקה ואזל לארעא דישראלSHAVKAH V'AZAL L'AR'A D'YISRAEL- he left her and traveled to Eretz Yisrael

48)[line 30]אתרח פורתאISRACH PURTA- he waited a little

49)[line 33]חס ושלום דלמא מירתח רתח?CHAS V'SHALOM DILMA MIRTACH RASACH?- G-d forbid, perhaps he (Rebbi Yochanan) became angry with me (for wanting to leave)?

50)[line 35]אדהכי והכיAD'HACHI V'HACHI- meanwhile (while the discussion was going on)

51)[line 36]אי ידעי לא נפקיIY YAD'I LO NAFKI- had I known [that she died], I would not have departed [from Eretz Yisrael] (because this is not included in the requirements of Kavod for a parent after the parent's death, -TOSFOS RI HA'ZAKEN)

52)[line 37]הנשמע בדבר אביו למקוםHA'NISHMA BI'DEVAR AVIV LA'MAKOM- in a place where the people respect and heed the words of his father (RASHI)

53)[line 38]מהרוניMAHARUNI- expedite me [on my way]

54)[line 38]פטרוניPATRUNI- escort me [on my way]

55)[line 39]דבר שמועהDEVAR SHEMU'AH- (a) a teaching [of Torah] (that his father said (TOSFOS RI HA'ZAKEN); (b) any statement (that his father said, even quotes not related to Torah) (DARCHEI MOSHE YD 240:4)

56)[line 40]כך אמר אבא מרי הריני כפרת משכבוKACH AMAR ABA MORI, HAREINI KAPARAS MISHKAVO- "Thus said my father, my teacher. May I be an atonement for his soul."

57)[line 42]חכם משנה שם אביו ושם רבוCHACHAM MESHANEH SHEM AVIV V'SHEM RABO- the sage delivering the Torah lecture changes the name of his father (to a title, such as my father, my teacher) and the name of his Rebbi (to a title, without mentioning his name)

58)[line 42]תורגמןTURGEMAN- (a) the person who repeats in a loud voice the words of the Rav, who lectures in a low voice (RASHI to Berachos 56a); (b) the person who translates into Aramaic the words of the Rav, who delivers the Shi'ur in a low voice in Hebrew (RASHI to Yoma 20b)

59)[line 45]כי הוה דריש בפירקאKI HAVAH DARISH B'FIRKA- when he would expound publicly

60)[line 46]מוראMORA- awe/fear

61)[line 47]ולא סותר את דבריוV'LO SOSER ES DEVARAV- and he may not contradict his words

62)[line 47]ולא מכריעוV'LO MACHRI'O- (a) and the son may not express support for a dissenting view (RASHI); (b) the son may not express support even for his father's view, for it is not respectful to show that his father's view needs his support (SHULCHAN ARUCH YD 240:2)

63a)[last line]מלבישMALBISH- he dresses him

b)[last line]ומכסהU'MECHASEH- and covers him (the Ein Yakov's Girsa is MAN'IL - he puts his shoes on him)