[67a - 49 lines; 67b - 50 lines]
1)[line 1]מציעיןMATZI'IN- when Nakdimon ben Guryon walked to the Beis Midrash, they would spread silk garments before him, and the poor would take them!
2)[line 1]ומקפליןU'MEKAPLIN- and fold them up (so as to keep them)
3)[line 2]לכבודו הוא דעבדLI'CHVODO HU D'AVAD- he did if for his own honor
4)[line 3]כדבעי ליה למיעבדKED'BA'EI LEI L'MEI'AVAD- he did not give as he could have
5)[line 4]לפום גמלא שיחנאL'FUM GAMLA SHICHANA- according to [the strength of] the camel is its burden
6)[line 5]אראה בנחמהER'EH B'NECHAMAH...- (a) "I will see the day that Bnei Yisrael will be comforted (and redeemed from Galus)" (BEREISHIS RABAH 65:12, see MAHARSHA to Pesachim 54b). This phrase is a euphemism meaning, "I will not see the Day of Redemption (if the following is not true)" (RASHI to Makos 5b DH Er'eh, 1st explanation); (b) "[I take an oath that my sons shall die and] I will see [the period of mourning in which people will come to] comfort [me] (if the following is not true)" (RASHI to Makos 5b DH Er'eh, 2nd explanation)
7)[line 7]טלפיTALFEI- hooves
8)[line 7]בעכוB'AKO- in the city of Acco
9)[line 8]"אם לא תדעי לך היפה בנשים, צאי לך בעקבי הצאן ורעי גדיתיך על משכנות הרֹעים""IM LO SEDE'I LACH, HA'YAFAH BA'NASHIM, TZE'I LACH B'IKVEI HA'TZON U'RE'I ES GEDIYOSAYICH AL MISHKENOS HA'RO'IM"- "If you do not know [how to keep the Mitzvos], most beautiful of women, go out and seek [mercy in the merit of] the footsteps of the sheep (the forefathers are the feet or foundation of the people), and graze your tender kids by the dwelling of the shepherds" (Shir ha'Shirim 1:8) - Rebbi Elazar b'Rebbi Tzadok interpreted this verse differently to apply it to the sad fate of the daughter of Nakdimon ben Guryon. His Derashah renders the verse to be, "If you are not careful to find out [how to keep the Mitzvos properly], people of Israel, your end shall be that you will shepherd your own bodies after the hoof prints of animals in search of food."
10)[line 10]גויותיךGEVIYOSAYICH- your bodies
11)[line 11]זהבZAHAV- gold
12)[line 12]כשוויוKI'SHEVUYO- lit. like its value, i.e. appraise it
13)[line 13]פחתיPACHASEI- it depreciates in value
14)[line 17]לפורטןL'FORTAN- [where the practice is not] to change them [for silver coins.] (Rather, they are treated like commodities and not like currency.)
15)[line 18]אהייא?A'HAI?- about which law does Rebbi Shimon comment?
16)[line 20]הא לא נפקיHA LO NAFKEI!- it cannot be used as currency
17)[line 25]ע''י הדחקAL YEDEI HA'DECHAK- and we are dealing with a case where gold is legal tender, but these particular coins are worn and people are reluctant to accept them
18)[line 26]משבחינן להMESHABCHINAN LAH- its value recorded in the Kesuvah is inflated by one third, as in the case of currency
19)[line 34]הכא במאי עסקינןHACHA B'MAI ASKINAN?- what is the case talking about?
20)[line 34]בדהבא פריכאDAHAVA PERICHA- (a) gold flakes (RASHI); (b) pieces of broken golden utensils (TOSFOS, citing RABEINU CHANANEL)
21)[line 34]בממלאMEMALEI- (a) gold dust (RASHI); (b) gold nuggets (TOSFOS)
22)[line 35]אנטוכיאANTOCHIYA- Antioch, the ancient capital of Syria, situated on the Orontes River
23)[line 36]ערביאARAVYA- Arabia
24)[line 36]גובה פרנא מהםGOVAH PARNA ME'HEM- (a) she collects from them one third more [than the actual value, as in all cases that are similar to currency] (RASHI; see below, however, entry #30); (b) she collects her dowry or Kesuvah from them (TOSFOS)
25)[line 36]תותבי דבי מכסיTUSVEI D'VEI MICHSEI- dresses from Bei Michsei, possibly Makesin, a city on the Habor River, a tributary of the Euphrates
26)[line 37]שקי דרודיאSAKEI D'RUDAYA- sacks from Palmyra, an oasis in the Syrian desert
27)[line 37]ואשלי דקמחוניאV'ASHLEI D'KIMCHONAYA- and ropes from Kimchonaya
28)[line 38]מרישME'RESH- at the outset I thought…
29)[line 38]ארנקי דמחוזאARNEKEI D'MECHOZA- a wallet full of coins in Mechoza
30)[line 39]פרנאPARNA- a woman collects her Kesuvah from those money bags of Mechoza (RASHI, TOSFOS)
31)[line 39]אסמכתייהו עלייהוASMACHTAIHU ALAIHU- women rely on them (as a valid payment for their Kesuvos)
32)[line 40]דשקלי להו ונפקיD'SHAKLEI L'HU V'NAFKEI- the women took the money bags and went out with them into the market
33)[line 40]וכי משכחי ארעא זבני בהוV'KI MASHKECHEI AR'A ZAVNEI BEHU- and as soon as a plot of land came their way they purchased it with this money
34)[line 41]לא יפחות להLO YIFCHOS LAH- if one marries off his daughter without stipulating, he must give at least 50 Zuz
35)[line 42]ערומהARUMAH- lit. naked. Here, this means that if he stipulated that he will marry her off bare, the husband may not say, "When I bring her to my house, I will clothe her."
36)[line 43]המשיא את היתומהHA'MESI ES HA'YESOMAH- one who marries off an orphan
37)[line 44]בכיסB'KIS- with the money bag of Tzedakah
38)[line 44]זוזי פשיטיZUZEI PESHITEI- Zuzei Medinah, which are worth 1/8 of the Zuzim (or Dinerin) of Tzor
39)[line 47]כמה יהבינן להKAMAH YEHAVINAN LAH?!- if Tzedakah funds are available, how much do we give to her?
40)[line 48]להתפרנסL'HISPARNES- [if two orphans, a boy and a girl,] come to be fed
41)[last line]לחזור על הפתחיםLA'CHZOR AL HA'PESACHIM- to beg from door to door
42)[line 2]שבושתה של אשהSHE'BOSHTAH SHEL ISHAH- the shame of a girl (who is single) is greater than that of a man
43)[line 6]"[כי פתח תפתח את ידך לו, והעבט תעביטנו] די מחסרו אשר יחסר לו""[KI FASO'ACH TIFTACH ES YADCHA LO, V'HA'AVET TA'AVITENU] DEI MACHSORO ASHER YECHSAR LO"- "[But you shall open your hand wide to him, and shall surely lend him] sufficient for his need, in that which he lacks" (Devarim 15:8).
44)[line 8]"[... לא טוב היות האדם לבדו] אעשה לא עזר כנגדו""[LO TOV HEYOS HA'ADAM LEVADO;] E'ESEH LO EZER KENEGDO"- "[And HaSh-m, G-d, said: It is not good for the man to be alone;] I will fashion a helper opposite him" (Bereishis 2:18).
45)[line 11]אפילו סוסAFILU SUS...- when the verse mentions "sufficient for what he lacks," it teaches that you are commanded to finance him with even a horse to ride on
46)[line 12]בן טוביםBEN TOVIM- a pauper who comes from a refined, well-to-do family
47)[line 15]שלשה מיליןSHELOSHAH MILIN- three Milin; 1 Mil = approximately 960 or 1152 meters, depending upon the differing Halachic opinions
48)[line 16]גליל העליוןGALIL HA'ELYON- the upper Galilee, in the vicinity of Tzefas and Meron
49)[line 16]מציפוריMI'TZIPORI- from Tzipori, a city in the lower Galilee, approximately midway between Tiberias and Haifa
50)[line 16]ליטראLITRA- a Roman Libra, a pound
51)[line 17]מאי רבותאMAI RABUSA?- what is so special about this?
52)[line 17]משל עופותMI'SHEL OFOS- it was a Litra of fowl (which is expensive)
53)[line 18]בליטרא בשר ממשB'LITRA BASAR (MAMASH)- for a Litra of money, [the townspeople would buy] meat of an animal
54)[line 18]כפר קטן היהKFAR KATAN HAYAH- he lived in a small village
55)[line 18]הוה מפסדי חיותא אמטולתיהHAVAH MAFSEDEI CHIYUSA A'METULTEI- they wasted animals every day on account of him
56)[line 19]במה אתה סועדBA'MEH ATAH SO'ED?- with what do you dine (i.e., what do your meals consist of)?
57)[line 20]רצונך שתגלגל עמי בעדשיםRETZONCHA SHE'TEGALGEL IMI B'ADASHIM- would you like to eat some lentils with me? ("l'Galgel" connotes the bare necessities for daily sustenance)
58)[line 22]לפנוקי נפשיהL'FANUKEI NAFSHEI- to pamper himself
59)[line 24]פטומהPETUMAH- fat meat
60)[line 24]ולא חיישת לדוחקא דציבוראV'LO CHAYISHT L'DUCHAKA D'TZIBURA?- and are you not concerned about the financial burden [that your expensive habits place] on the community?
61)[line 25]מדרחמנאRACHAMANA- lit. the Merciful One; HaSh-m
62)[line 25]"עיני כל אליך ישׂברו...""EINEI CHOL ELECHA YESABERU..."- "Everyone's eyes look hopefully to You, [and You give them their food in its time]" (Tehilim 145:15).
63)[line 27]אדהכיAD'HACHI- meanwhile
64)[line 27]אחתיהACHSEI- his (Rava's) sister
65)[line 27]תליסרי שניTELEISAR SHANEI- thirteen years
66)[line 28]מאי דקמאMAI D'KAMA?- why did this happen to me?
67)[line 28]נענתי לךNA'ANESI LACH- (a) I spoke against you too much (RASHI to Berachos 28a); (b) I have humbled and lowered myself in front of you (RASHASH ibid., based on Shemos 10:3)
68)[line 30]לפתוח לו לשום מתנהLI'FTO'ACH LO L'SHUM MATANAH- to start by asking him to accept a gift
69)[line 30]יש לו ואינו רוצה להתפרנסYESH LO V'EINO ROTZEH L'HISPARNES- if he has the means but does not want to maintain himself at his own expense
70)[line 32]אין נזקקין לוEIN NIZKAKIN LO- if he has the means and does not want to maintain himself [at his own expense], no one need feel any concern about him
71)[line 32]הבא משכון וטולHAVEI MASHKON V'TOL- [if he has no means and does not wish to be maintained from the funds for the poor] he is told, "Bring a pledge and you will receive [a loan]"
72)[line 32]שתזוח דעתו עליוSHE'TAZU'ACH DA'ATO ALAV- to lift his spirits
73)[line 33]העבטHA'AVET- "You will lend to him" refers to one who has funds but will not spend it because he wants to receive Tzedakah.
74)[line 36]הוה עניא בשיבבותיהHAVAH ANYA B'SHIVEVUSEI- there was a poor person in his neighborhood
75)[line 36]דשדיD'SHADI- that he threw
76)[line 36]בצינורא דדשאB'TZINORA D'DASHA- in the door-hinge socket (a hole in the threshold)
77)[line 37]אמרAMAR- one day the man thought…
78)[line 37]טיבותאTIVUSA- favor
79)[line 37]נגהא ליהNAGHA LEI- he was late [in leaving his house]
80)[line 37]אתיא דביתהו בהדיהASYA D'VIS'HU BAHADEI- his wife accompanied him
81)[line 38]דקא מצלי ליה לדשאD'KA MATZLI LEI L'DASHA- that they were approaching (lit. leaning towards) his door
82)[line 38]נפקNAFAK- he went out after them
83)[line 38]רהוט מקמיהRAHUT MIKAMEI- they ran away from him
84)[line 38]אתונא דהוה גרופה נוראASUNA D'HAVAH GERUFAH NURA- they went into a certain oven from which the fire (coals) had been raked out
85)[line 39]קא מיקליין כרעיהKA MIKALYAN KAR'EI- his feet were getting burned
86)[line 39]שקול כרעיך אותיב אכרעאיSHEKOL KAR'EICH, OSIV A'KAR'AI- put your feet on top of mine
87)[line 39]חלש דעתיהCHALASH DA'ATEI- he was feeling upset, dejected
88a)[line 40]אנא שכיחנא בגויה דביתאANA SHECHICHNA B'GAVEI D'VEISA- I am usually inside the house
b)[line 40]ומקרבא אהנייתיU'MEKARVA AHANYASI- and the benefit [that the poor receive from me] is more immediate (because I give them food)
89)[line 40]ומאי כולי האיU'MAI KULEI HAI?- and why did they do such a thing [as to jump into a hot oven]?
90)[line 42]כבשןKIVSHAN- a furnace
91)[line 42]ואל ילבין פני חברוV'AL YALBIN PNEI CHAVERO- and she should not shame his friend
92)[line 42]מתמרTAMAR
(a)Yehudah, son of Yakov Avinu, chose a woman by the name of Tamar as a wife for his eldest son, Er. Er, however, was found wicked in the view of HaSh-m, and he died young and childless.
(b)Yehudah then gave Tamar to his next son, Onan, so that he could perform the Mitzvah of Yibum. Onan, however, resented that his potential son would be considered that of Er, and he deliberately avoided impregnating Tamar. For this, HaSh-m caused him to die young as well.
(c)Yehudah promised to give Tamar to his third son, Shela, when he would come of age. However, Yehudah was concerned that it had been Tamar who was the cause of his sons' deaths, and he delayed carrying out the marriage. Tamar realized this and decided on a plan.
(d)She dressed as a harlot and waited along a path upon which she knew Yehudah would travel. She successfully - with HaSh-m's indirect intervention - attracted Yehudah's attention, and conceived.
(e)When Yehudah heard that his daughter-in-law was expecting, he sentenced her to death. She cleverly pointed out to him in a way that no one else would understand that it had been he who had impregnated her, and Yehudah publicly admitted his role. Since this was a valid fulfillment of Yibum before the Torah was given, Tamar was allowed to live, and she bore twins (Bereishis 38). One of these twins, Peretz, was the ancestor of David ha'Melech, and ultimately, Mashi'ach.
93)[line 42]"היא מוצאת...""HI MUTZEIS..."- "When she was brought out [to be executed], she sent to her father-in-law, saying, 'By the man to whom these belong, am I with child.' And she said, 'Discern, I beg you, to whom these belong, the signet, the robe and the staff'" (Bereishis 38:25).
94)[line 43]לשדוריLI'SHEDUREI- he used to give
95)[line 43]מעלי יומא דכיפוראMA'ALEI YOMA D'CHIPUREI- Erev Yom ha'Kipurim
96)[line 44]אתאASA- he came [back]
97)[line 44]מזלפיMEZALFEI- sprinkle (which gives the house a pleasant fragrance) (RASHI to Sukah 40b)
98)[line 45]מפנק כולי האיM EFANAK KULEI HAI?- Is he that spoiled? (i.e. Does he live so luxuriously?)
99)[line 45]עייפינהוAIFINHU- he doubled the amount
100)[line 45]כי קא ניחא נפשיהKI KA NAICHA NAFSHEI- (lit. when his soul was going to rest) when he was about to die
101)[line 45]אייתו לי חושבנאי דצדקהAISU LI CHUSHBENAI DI'TZEDAKAH- bring me my accounts of the charity that I gave
102)[line 46]דינרי סיאנקיDINAREI SI'ANKEI- (a) (golden) coins of Si'an, a Persian town (RASHI); (b) costly coins of universal value (ARUCH)
103)[line 46]זוודאי קלילי ואורחא רחיקתאZEVAD'EI KELILEI V'ORCHA RECHIKTA- _I have] such scanty provisions and such a long road (to the World to Come)
104)[line 46]בזבזיה לפלגיה ממוניהBAZBEZEI L'FALGEI MAMONEI- he immediately gave away half of his money [for charity]
105)[line 47]מחומשME'CHOMESH- from a fifth [of his possessions]
106)[line 47]ירד מנכסיוYERED MI'NECHASAV- if he gives more than a fifth of his money to Tzedakah, we are worried that he may become impoverished
107a)[line 48]הוה צייר זוזי בסודריהHAVAH TZAYAR ZUZEI B'SUDREI- he would bind coins in his scarf
b)[line 48]ושדי ליה לאחוריהV'SHADI LEI L'ACHOREI- and place it [over his shoulder] in back of him
c)[line 48]וממצי נפשיה לבי ענייU'MAMTZI NAFSHEI L'VEI ANYEI- and go himself to the house of the poor
d)[line 49]ומצלי עיניה מרמאיU'MATZLI EINEI ME'RAMA'EI- and look discretely (lit. and tilt his eyes) (to make sure that a poor person took it) because of impostors