úåñ' ã"ä áéåí î' ìéöéøú æëø
(Summary: Tosfos ugh describes Shmuel's expertise.)
àó ùàéï éëåìéï ìéãò éåí àøáòéí ìéöéøä...
Implied Question: Even though one cannot generally know the exact fortieth day of the baby's formation ...
ãäìà ùëáú æøò ùåää ì÷ìåè ôòîéí òã ùìùä éîéí...
Reason: Seeing as the semen can delay taking root until the third day ...
åîéäå ùîåàì äéä á÷é...
Answer: Nevertheless, Shmuel was an expert ...
ëãàîøéðï ôø÷ äîôìú (ðãä ëä:) 'ùàðé ùîåàì ãøá âåáøéä.'
1. Source: As the Gemara explains in Perek ha'Mapeles (Nidah, Daf 25b) "Shmuel is different, since he was an expert
úåñ' ã"ä ÷à îùîò ìï
(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the conclusion and cites the She'iltos le'Halachah.)
ôéøåù -àôùø ìôúéçú ä÷áø áìà ãí...
Clarification: It is possible for the womb to open without blood ...
åäëé ôñé÷ áùàìúåú ãøá àçàé ...
Halachah: And this is how the She'iltos of Rav Acha'i Gaon Paskens ...
îäàé ãäëà- ã'ùåçèéï åæåø÷éï.'
Source: Based on the current Sugya - from the fact that one can Shecht and sprinkle the blood for her.
úåñ' ã"ä îëìì ãëáù áï ùðä áñìò
(Summary: Tosfos reconciles this with two Sugyos which suggest otherwise, and describes the differences between Chatas and Asham.)
å÷ùä, ùäøé àåîø 'áçèàú áú ãð÷à' áôø÷ àéæäå î÷åîï (æáçéí ãó îç.)?
Question #1: The Gemara in Perek Eizehu Mekoman (Zevachim, Daf 48a) states that one may bring a Chatas that is worth a Danka (a sixth of a Dinar).
åâí àîøéðï ì÷îï (ãó ëæ.) 'îôðé îä ìà ðúðä úåøä ùéòåø ÷öáä ìîçåñøé ëôøä? ùîà éåæìå èìàéí åàéï ìäí ëôøä?'
Question #2: Furthermore, the Gemara later (on Daf 27a) Explains that the Torah did not specify a fixed amount for Mechusrei Kaparah - in case the value of lambs drops and they will not be able to obtain a Kaparaha?
åé"ì, äà ã÷àîø 'ëáù áñìò' ,øâéìåú äåà ù÷åðäå áñìò ìîöåä îï äîåáçø, àáì áôçåú ñâé.
Answer: When the Gemara talks of 'a lamb for a Sela', it was customary to purchase it at that price in order to perform the Mitzvah in an ideal fashion , but one was permitted to spend less.
àáì àùí öøéê ëñó ù÷ìéí, ãîãàåøééúà äåà...
Asham: An Asham on the other hand, had to be worth two Shekalim, since it is d'Oraysa ...
àáì çèàú ãàåøééúà àéï ìä ùéòåø ø÷ îãøáðï...
Chatas: Whereas a Chatas has no Shi'ur min ha'Torah, only mi'de'Rabanan ...
ìëê îöåä ìëúçìä áñìò åáôçåú ñâé òã ãð÷à, àáì ôçåú îãð÷à îé÷øé òáøééðà.
Chatas (cont.): Therefore Lechatchilah, one should spend a Sela, and Bedi'eved, a Danka, but for less than that, one is called 'Avaryana' (a sinner).
åîëì î÷åí àí äåæìå åäí ùîðéí áôçåú îãð÷à, îúëôø áäí.
Chatas (concl.): Nevertheless, in the event that the price drops, and there are fat sheep that are worth les than a Danka, one attains one's atonement with them.
åáàùîåú àôéìå äí ùîðéí åèåáéí áôçåú îëñó ù÷ìéí ùäåæìå, àéðå îúëôø ...
Asham (cont): But Ashamos, even if the rams are fat and good, if they are worth less two Shekalim, due to a drop in price, one does not attain atonement ...
îùåí ãëúéá "ëñó ù÷ìéí".
Reason: Since the Torah writes "Kesef Shekalim".