
THROWING A GET WITHIN WALLS (Yerushalmi Perek 8 Halachah 3 Daf 46a)

אמר רבי אלעזר [דף מו עמוד ב] מתניתא בגג שיש לו מעקה והוא שירד לאויר מעקה ושאין לו מעקה והוא שירד לאויר שלשה שהן סמוכין לגג שכל שלשה שהן סמוכין לגג כגג הן.


(R. Elazar): Our Mishnah [says that once it reaches the airspace above the roof, she is divorced. It] discusses a roof with a wall around it, and the Get must descend to the airspace within the wall. If it does not have a wall around it, it must descend to which three [Tefachim] of the roof, for whatever is which three of the roof is like [resting on] the roof.

רבי יעקב בר אחא רבי בא בר המנונא בשם רב אדא בר אחווה לענין שבת שכל שלשה שהן סמוכין למחיצה כמחיצה הן.


Question (R. Yakov bar Acha citing R. Ba bar Hamnuna): Regarding Shabbos [we do not say that even within the airspace is like resting. We say only that] within three Tefachim of a Mechitzah is like [on] the Mechitzah!

אמר רבי יסא דלא דמיא גיטין מלמעלן ושבת מלמטן. גיטין אפילו לא נח. שבת עד שינוח.


Answer (R. Yosa): It is different. Gitin [take effect] even above (within the walls, but liability for throwing on) Shabbos is only below (within three Tefachim of the ground). Gitin [take effect] even if it did not rest (as long it is guarded, but liability for) Shabbos is only if it rested. (We explained this like PNEI MOSHE.)

רבי אמי בשם רבי יוחנן והוא שירד לאויר מחיצות.


(R. Ami citing R. Yochanan): (In the Seifa, when he was on the roof... once it leaves the airspace of the roof... she is divorced.) This is only if it descended to the airspace within the walls [of the Chatzer].

ר' אימי בעא קומי ר"י מתניתא דרבי. דרבי עבד אויר מחיצה כממשו.


Question (R. Imi, to R. Yochanan): Is our Mishnah like Rebbi? Rebbi considered the airspace within walls like something tangible (so something inside is considered to be resting).

אמר ליה דברי הכל היא הכא דגיטין


Answer (R. Yochanan): It is like everyone. Here, regarding Gitin (it suffices to be guarded, even if it is not resting).

ויתיביניה רבי אומר מקורה. ואת אומרת אינה מקורה.


Inference: [R. Yochanan holds that Rebbi considered something in the airspace within walls to be resting even if there is no roof. If not, he should have challenged R. Imi] 'Rebbi discusses with a roof, and you say [that our Mishnah is like Rebbi] without a roof?!' (This was copied from Shabbos 11:1, where the Gemara inferred so.)

מה בין גיטין ומה בין שבת.


Question: Why is Get different than Shabbos? (For Get, even Rabanan hold that it suffices to be in the airspace within walls!)

אמר רבי אבא בשבת כתיב [שמות כ י] לא תעשה מלאכה. נעשית היא מאיליה. ברם הכא [דברים כד א] ונתן בידה ברשותה:


Answer (R. Aba): Regarding Shabbos it says "Lo Sa'aseh Kol Melachah", but Melachah may be done by itself. (Rabanan agree that it is considered to be resting (Kelutah k'Mi she'Hunchah), but it does not rest due to his action until it lands.) Regarding Get, it says "v'Nasan b'Yadah" - in her Reshus. (We explained this like TOTZ'OS CHAYIM, Kuntres b'Dinei Shabbos 4:6.)


DIVORCE WITH AN OLD GET (Yerushalmi Perek 8 Halachah 4 Daf 46b)

מתני' בית שמאי אומרים פוטר אדם את אשתו בגט ישן


(Mishnah - Beis Shamai): A man may divorce his wife with an old Get;

ובית הלל אוסרין


Beis Hillel forbid this.

ואי זהו גט ישן כל שנתייחד עמה מאחר שכתבו לה:


What is an old Get? He was secluded with her after he wrote [the Get] for her.

גמ' רב יהודה בשם שמואל וכולן אם נישאו לא תצא שלא להוציא ליזה על בניה.


(Gemara - Rav Yehudah citing Shmuel): Anyone who remarried [based on an old Get] does not leave [her new husband], lest people malign [the lineage of] her children [from him, that they are Mamzerim].

[דף מז עמוד א] אנן תנינן מאחר שכתבו לה. אית תניי תני מאחר שנתנו לה.


Our [text of the] Mishnah says 'after he wrote for her.' Some teach 'after he gave it to her.'

מאן דאמר מאחר שכתבו לה מסייעא לבית (שמאי) [צ"ל הלל - ספר ניר, מיכל המים]


The one who says 'after he wrote for her' supports Beis Hillel. (Then they forbid l'Chatchilah, lest she became pregnant from the seclusion, and due to the date on the Get, people will say that the child was born after divorce);

מאן דאמר מאחר שנתנו לה מסייעא לבית (הלל) [צ"ל שמאי - ספר ניר, מיכל המים]


The one who says 'after he gave her' supports Beis Shamai. (They are not considered lest he was Mekadesh her in the seclusion after divorce. Therefore, the Get is still valid. Beis Hillel would disqualify, lest he was Mekadesh her. We explained this like SEFER NIR, MEICHAL HA'MAYIM.)