If she was standing on the roof and he threw a Get to her, once it reaches the airspace above the roof, she is divorced.
- True.
- False.
- Only if it has a fence.
- Only if the Get is within three Tefachim to the ground.
- Machlokes C&D.
When do we say "קלוטה כמי שהונחה"?
- Always.
- שבת.
- גט.
- Machlokes A&B.
- Machlokes A&C.
When do we say "נעץ קנה ברשות היחיד ובראשו טרסקל וזרק ונח על גביו" is considered resting?
- Always.
- שבת.
- גט.
- Machlokes A&B.
- Machlokes A&C.
Get is destroyed while it was in her airspace. Is she divorced?
- Yes.
- No.
- As long as it was descending.
- Machlokes A&B.
- Machlokes B&C.
May one use a גט ישן?
- לכתחלה.
- בדיעבד.
- No.
- Machlokes A&B.
- Machlokes A&C.
The year was counted from the building of the Beis ha'Mikdash. Is this good?
- Yes.
- No.
- Destruction is OK.
- Machlokes A&B.
- Machlokes A&C.