
(a)Rav Yehudah instituted that, in the wording of a document of sale of an Eved Kena'ani, one adds 'Avda D'nan Mutzdak l'Avdu ... '. What is the meaning of ...

1. ... 'Mutzdak l'Avdu'?

2. ... 'u'Patir v'Atir mi'Kol Charuri'?

3. ... 'u'min Aruri Malka ... '?

(b)'ve'Rashum d'Inash Lo Is Alohi, u'Menukeh mi'Kol Mum u'Sh'chin ad Titzhar Chadas v'Atik'. What is the meaning of ...

1. ... 'Rashum'?

2. ... 'u'Menukeh mi'Kol Mum

3. ... 'u'min Sh'chin ad Titzhar'?

4. ... 'Chadas v'Atik'?

(c)How do we reconcile this with the Sugya in Kesuvos 'Simpon ba'Avadim Leika'?

(d)In what context does Abaye present a list comprising ginger, sulfur, wine-vinegar, the waste of silver (a by-product known as litharge), olive-oil and white Naphtha? What does one use to rub it in?


(a)What does the Tana Kama of our Mishnah say about a Get which is written in the husband's handwriting but on which witnesses did not sign, or even if they did, if the Shtar is undated?

(b)What is the third case listed by the Tana?

(c)What is the source of these Gitin Pesulim?

(d)Why do we initially think that the author of our Mishnah cannot be Rebbi Meir (see Tosfos DH 'Sheloshah')?


(a)What does Rebbi Elazar (in our Mishnah) say?

(b)What is he referring to when he says 've'Govah mi'Nechasim Meshu'abadim'?

(c)Seeing as he validates a Shtar even when no witnesses signed on it, why do witnesses ever sign on a Shtar?


(a)Why does the Tana not include in the list (of Gitin Pesulin, v'ha'Vlad Kosher') ...

1. ... Get Yashan, assuming that our Mishnah holds a. 'Teitzei' or b. 'Lo Setzei'?

2. ... 'Get Kere'ach', according to a. Rebbi Meir who holds 'Kol ha'Meshaneh mi'Matbe'a she'Tav'u Chachamim b'Gitin, ha'Vlad Mamzer' or b. the Chachamim who hold there 'ha'Vlad Kosher'?

(b)How will we answer the last Kashya according to those who hold in our Mishnah 'Teitzei'?

(c)And why does the Tana not include the case of 'Kasav l'Shem Malchus', where the Din is 'Teitzei', according to those who hold here too 'Teitzei'?

(d)On what grounds does Rebbi Meir legitimize the children in our Mishnah?


(a)Our Mishnah opens with the words 'Sheloshah Gitin Pesulin'. Later it states 'Harei Eilu Sheloshah Gitin ... '. What do we exclude from the first number?

(b)The second number comes to exclude the case in the Beraisa, of someone who brings a Get from overseas and fails to say 'be'Fanai Nichtav u've'Fanai Nichtam', according to Rebbi Meir, who says 'Yotzi v'ha'Vlad Mamzer'. What do the Chachamim say there?

(c)Seeing as Rebbi Meir has already taught in the Beraisa that 'ha'Vlad Mamzer', why does our Mishnah find it necessary to repeat it here by way of inference?


(a)Rav says 'Kasav bi'Kesav Yado Shaninu'. Why can this not refer to ...

1. ... the Reisha ('Kasav bi'Kesav Yado v'Ein Alav Edim')?

2. ... the middle case ('Yesh Alav Edim v'Ein Alav Zman')?

(b)Then to which case is he referring?

(c)How will the Din differ if it was the Sofer who wrote the Get and not the husband?

(d)Having already taught that when there are no witnesses at all, the Get is Kosher, why does the Tana need to repeat it here when there is one witness?



(a)We just cited Rav who holds 'Kasav bi'Kesav Yado Shaninu'. What does Shmuel say? On what does he base his opinion?

(b)On what grounds does Rav reject Shmuel's proof from that Mishnah?

(c)So how does ...

1. ... Rav amend the Mishnah later?

2. ... Shmuel resolve the discrepancy?

(d)How do we explain Rav, who sometimes said 'Teitzei', and sometimes 'Lo Teitzei'?


(a)What does the Beraisa say about the Tzaros, if any of the fifteen Arayos (who normally exempt the woman from Yibum and Chalitzah) were a Safek Kidushin or a Safek Gerushin?

(b)The case of Safek Kidushin is when the man threw the woman Kidushin and we do not know whether it landed closer to her or to him. What is the case of Safek Gerushin?

(c)Why are we not concerned that, by ruling 'Lo Setzei', we are encouraging the Tzarah to perform Yibum instead of Chalitzah?

(d)Levi says categorically 'Lo Setzei'. With regard to 'Kesav Yado v'Ed', Rebbi Yochanan supports Rav. Whom does he support in the current Machlokes between Rav and Levi?


(a)Besides the above ruling, what did Rebbi Yochanan tell the sons of Rebbi Chalafta from Cheifa in their father's name about the 'Kartzis' that lives among the sheaves, that drinks from the Mei Chatas? What is a Kartzis?

(b)Why, according to the Beraisa ...

1. ... do birds that drink from the Mei Chatas render it Pasul?

2. ... does a dove that drinks from the Mei Chatas not render it Pasul?

(c)According to Rebbi Yochanan, why did the Tana not list the Chartzis together with the dove?

(d)Up to what size is a Chartzis called 'small'?


(a)Rav Yehudah Amar Rav rules like Rebbi Elazar ('Eidei Mesirah Karsi') by Gitin. What did Shmuel comment when Rav Yehudah (who went to learn by Shmuel after Rav's death) told him what Rav had said?

(b)How did Rav reconcile his ruling with Rebbi Elazar in our Mishnah, who concludes 've'Govah mi'Nechasim Meshu'abadim'?

(c)Based on the Pasuk in Yirmiyahu "v'Kasuv ba'Sefer v'Chasum", what is the basis of the Machlokes between Rav and Shmuel?

(d)What do both Rebbi Yanai and Rebbi Yochanan mean when they say 'Afilu Re'ach ha'Get Ein Bo'? Does it therefore follow that they do not hold like Rebbi Elazar?


(a)What do Rebbi Yehoshua ben Levi, Reish Lakish and Rav Huna, Rav Chama bar Gurya and Rebbi Elazar all in the name of Rav have in common?


(a)What does one do if two men with the same name send two Gitin to their wives who also had the same name, and the two Gitin got mixed up?

(b)What will be the Halachah if one of the Gitin gets lost?

(c)How many Gitin are Kosher if five men wrote five Gitin on the same piece of parchment, and the witnesses signed after the last one, assuming that they wrote ...

1. ... a general Get for all of them (which will be explained later) concluding 'So-and-so divorced so-and-so, and so-and-so, so-and-so ... '?

2. ... five individual Gitin, one for each couple?


(a)Why does Rebbi Yirmiyah establish the Seifa of our Mishnah not like Rebbi Elazar, who holds 'Eidei Mesirah Karsi'? What would be the Din according to Rebbi Elazar, in Rebbi Yirmiyah's opinion?

(b)How does Abaye reconcile our Mishnah even with Rebbi Elazar?