Question (Beraisa - R. Yehudah): One may be Me'arev for a Tahor Kohen with Tahor Terumah in a grave.
Granted, a Kohen can go there in a coach or box. However, once the Terumah was put on the grave, it became Tamei! (No one may eat it.)
Answer: The case is, it [is produce that] was never Huchshar, or [bread that] was kneaded with fruit juice [not among the seven liquids that are Machshir].
Question: How can the Kohen take the Terumah? (He may not put his hand over a Mes. If a normal Kli passes over a Mes, it becomes an Av ha'Tum'ah, and it would be Metamei him!)
Answer: He takes it using a wooden Kli without a receptacle. (It is not Mekabel Tum'ah.)
Question: The Kli towers over a Mes! (It is Metamei the one holding it if a square Tefach of the Kli towers over a Mes, or [mid'Rabanan] even if it is a pole of circumference at least a Tefach.]
Answer: He holds the Kli on its edge. (Less than a square Tefach towers over the grave.)
Question: If so, why do Chachamim forbid? (We understand that they forbid not only in a cemetery, rather, even in a single grave, even though he can get close to it.)
Answer: They forbid acquiring Shevisah with Isurei Hana'ah. (One may not benefit from a grave.)
Question: Does R. Yehudah permit this?!
Answer: He holds that Mitzvos Lav Leihanos Nitnu (fulfilling Mitzvos is not considered benefit regarding Isurei Hana'ah).
Question: Rava taught that Mitzvos Lav Leihanos Nitnu. Do the Tana'im argue about this?!
Answer (for Rava): No, all agree that Lav Leihanos Nitnu. R. Yehudah holds that we are Me'arev only for a Mitzvah. Chachamim permit to be Me'arev even for Reshus (an optional matter).
Question Rav Yosef taught that we are Me'arev only for a Mitzvah. Do Tana'im argue about this?
Answer (for Rav Yosef): No. All agree that we Me'arev only for a Mitzvah, and that Mitzvos Lav Leihanos Nitnu;
R. Yehudah holds that once he acquired Shevisah, he does not need the food. (Even though the grave guards the Eruv, this does not benefit him);
Chachamim hold that he wants the food to be guarded, in case he will want to eat it. (He benefits from the grave.)
(Mishnah): One may be Me'arev with Demai (doubtfully tithed produce), Ma'aser Rishon from which Terumah was taken, or Ma'aser Sheni or Hekdesh that was redeemed;
Kohanim may be Me'arev with Chalah [or Terumah];
One may not be Me'arev with Tevel, Ma'aser Rishon from which Terumah was not taken, or Ma'aser Sheni or Hekdesh that was not redeemed.
(Gemara) Question: [Our Mishnah permits Chalah only to a Kohen. It is like Sumchus, who requires that the food is permitted to the Me'arev, yet it allows Demai.] It is forbidden [for most people] to eat Demai!
Answer: If one would make all his possessions Hefker, he would be poor and hence permitted to eat Demai. Therefore, one may be Me'arev with it;
(Mishnah): We may feed Demai to an Oni or to soldiers [Yisraelim, whom the city must feed].
(Rav Huna - Beraisa - Beis Shamai): We may not feed Demai to an Oni or to soldiers;
Beis Hillel permit.
(Mishnah): [One may be Me'arev with] Ma'aser Rishon from which Terumah was taken...
Question: This is obvious!
Answer: The case is, a Levi received Ma'aser Rishon from sheaves and separated Terumas Ma'aser from it, but Terumah Gedolah was not taken;
(R. Avahu): If a Levi received Ma'aser Rishon from sheaves, it is exempt from Terumah Gedolah. "Va'Haremosem Mimenu Terumas Hash-m Ma'aser Min ha'Ma'aser" - a Levi must separate [only Terumas] Ma'aser Min ha'Ma'aser, but not Terumah Gedolah and Terumas Ma'aser.
Question (Rav Papa): If so, the verse should exempt even if he received Ma'aser Rishon from a Kri (pile of grain)!
Answer (Abaye): In this case we apply "mi'Kol Maseroseichem Tarimu."
Question: (The verses do not specify what to include and what to exclude.) Perhaps we should exempt Ma'aser from a Kri, and obligate Ma'aser from sheaves!
Answer: We obligate Ma'aser from a Kri because it is considered Degen (grain, from which Terumah must be given. Sheaves are not called Degen.)
(Mishnah): [One may be Me'arev with] Ma'aser Sheni or Hekdesh that was redeemed.
Question: This is obvious!
Answer: The case is, the principal was given, but he did not add a Chomesh;
The Mishnah teaches that the redemption is valid even without the Chomesh.
(Mishnah): One may not be Me'arev with Tevel.
Question: This is obvious!
Answer: The Mishnah forbids even Tevel mid'Rabanan, e.g. it grew in a flowerpot without a hole. (It does not nurture from the ground.)
(Mishnah): [One may not be Me'arev with] Ma'aser Rishon from which Terumah was not taken.
Question: This is obvious! (It is like Tevel.)
Answer: The case is, a Levi received Ma'aser Rishon from a Kri. (Terumas Ma'aser was taken but Terumah Gedolah was not taken);
One might have thought [that it is exempt from Terumah Gedolah] like the assumption of Rav Papa's question. The Mishnah teaches that this is not so, like Abaye's answer.
(Mishnah): [One may not be Me'arev with] Ma'aser Sheni or Hekdesh that was not redeemed.
Question: This is obvious!
Answer: The case is, they were redeemed, but improperly;
Ma'aser Sheni was redeemed on an Asimon (a blank coin). The Torah requires "v'Tzarta ha'Kesef b'Yadecha", a [minted] coin with a Tzurah (form).
Hekdesh was redeemed onto land, and not onto money;
It says that one will give money, "v'Kam Lo." (Only then the Hekdesh will be redeemed, and become his.)
(Mishnah): If Reuven sent an Eruv with any of the following, it is invalid: a child, lunatic, deaf person or with one who does not acknowledge [the enactment of] Eruvin;
If he told Shimon [a healthy adult] to receive the Eruv from him [and be Me'arev, i.e. place it for an Eruv], it is valid.
(Gemara) Question: Rav Huna allows a child to collect the Eruv!
Answer: He permits this for Eruv Chatzeros. Our Mishnah forbids this for Eruv Techumim. (Rashi - a child lacks 'power' to acquire Shevisah. Tosfos - we are more stringent about Eruv Techumim, because a verse (an Asmachta) supports it.)
(Mishnah): ...Or with one who does not acknowledge Eruvin.
Question: To whom does this refer?
Answer (Rav Chisda): It refers to Kusim (Nochrim whom Sancheriv settled in place of the 10 exiled Shevatim. They later converted, but did not follow Divrei Chachamim.)
(Mishnah): If he told Shimon to receive the Eruv from him, it is valid.
Question: We should be concerned lest the [first] Shali'ach did not bring it to Shimon!
Answer: Rav Chisda answered [elsewhere] that we discuss when Reuven sees [the carrier bring it to Shimon]. The same answer applies here.
Question: We should be concerned lest Shimon was not Me'arev!
Answer: Rav Yechi'el answered [elsewhere] that there is a Chazakah (established nature of people) that a [proper] Shali'ach fulfils his mission. This applies also here.
Question: To what questions did Rav Chisda and Rav Yechi'el give these answers?
Answer (Beraisa): If Reuven put an Eruv on a monkey or elephant and it took it, the Eruv is invalid;
If he told Shimon to receive the Eruv from it, it is valid.
Question: We should be concerned lest the animal did not bring it!
Answer (Rav Chisda): The case is, Reuven sees the animal bring it to him.
Question: We should be concerned lest Shimon was not Me'arev!
Answer (Rav Yechi'el): There is a Chazakah that a Shali'ach fulfils his mission.