[42a - 36 lines; 42b - 48 lines]

1)[line 30]כמחיצה שנפרצה במלואה למקום האסור להMECHITZAH SHE'NIFRETZAH B'MILU'AH L'MAKOM HA'ASUR LAH

Whenever two different Reshuyos are entirely exposed to each other on one of their sides ("Parutz b'Milu'o"), the two Reshuyos are considered to be as one. If one of those two Reshuyos is one in which it is forbidden to carry, then the other is drawn after it and it is forbidden to carry in it as well.


2)[line 11]שפת תקרהSEFAS TIKRAH- [on the ground, below] the edge of the ceiling of a house (where the wall has been breached)

3)[line 13]חובטתCHOVETES- [the ceiling is considered as if] it comes down to the ground

4)[line 42]וספינה נוטלתו מתחילת ארבע ומנחתו בסוף ארבעSEFINAH NOTALTO MI'TECHILAS ARBA U'MANICHATO B'SOF ARBA- (a) the boat constantly carries him forward more than four Amos at a time as it lurches forward, so that he is not at rest long enough to acquire a domain of four Amos; (b) the boat continuously moves forward, taking him out of his present four Amos against his will, which entitles him to a new domain of four Amos

5)[line 44]שנפחתו דופני ספינהNIFCHATU DOFNEI SEFINAH- the walls of the boat broke (and were no longer Ten Tefachim high, so that they could no longer serve as a Mechitzah)