[22a - 56 lines; 22b - 51 lines]
1)[line 5]ינוקיYENUKEI- children
2)[line 6]מי שלימו קורמי באגמא?MI SHELIMU KURAMEI B'AGMA?- are the vegetables (alt., reed-grasses, whose inner surface can be ground into flour) in the marshes all gone?
3)[line 7]"ומשלם לשונאיו אל פניו להאבידו""U'MESHALEM L'SON'AV EL PANAV L'HA'AVIDO"- "He pays back to His enemies' face, to destroy him" (Devarim 7:10) - This is mentioned here since we had brought up the subject of Tzadik v'Ra Lo.
4)[line 11]לשונאיו הוא דלא יאחרL'SON'AV HU D'LO YE'ACHER- HaSh-m does not delay paying the good deeds of his enemies; he repays them in this world and does not save their reward for the world to come.
5)[line 23]קרפףKARPAF- an enclosed area that is located outside of a settlement, used for storage of timber and other such objects. The enclosures were not made for dwelling purposes.
6)[line 39]אריך וקטיןARICH V'KATIN- long and narrow
7)[line 40]שתשמישו לדירהSHE'TASHMISHO L'DIRAH- which is intended for living purposes
8)[line 42]שתשמישה לאוירSHE'TASHMISHAH L'AVIR- [a residence] the purpose of which is to service the open area surrounding it; e.g., a watchman's hut
9)[line 42]בורגניןBURGANIN- temporary huts of the watchmen that are on guard outside of the cities
10)[line 1]דמקיף להD'MAKIF LAH- that it is surrounded by
11a)[line 1]סולמא דצורSULMA D'TZOR- the Ladder of Tyre (Scala Tyriorum, a promontory south of Tyre on the southern coast of Lebanon)
b)[line 2]מחתנא דגדרMACHASANA D'GEDER- the downward slope of Geder
12)[line 3]פרתPERAS- [the banks of] the Euphrates River
13)[line 3]דיגלתDIGLAS- [the banks of] the Tigris River
14)[line 4]מקיף אוקיינוסMAKIF OKYANUS- is surrounded by the Ocean
15)[line 5]מעלות ומורדותMA'ALOS U'MORADOS- ascents and descents
16)[line 5]קרקפנא! חזיתיה לרישך בי עמודיKARKAFNA! CHAZISEI L'REISHACH BEI AMUDEI- (a) Great Skull (prominent person)! I saw your head (your teacher, i.e. Rabah bar Nachmani) between the pillars (of the Beis ha'Midrash of Rebbi Yochanan) (TOSFOS DH Karkafna); (b) Great Person! You have hit upon the exact teaching of Rebbi Yochanan as if you personally had been present in his Beis ha'Midrash! (RITVA)
17)[line 21]מעלות בית מרוןMA'ALOS BEIS MARON- the ascent of Beis Maron, which was a narrow path up a very steep slope, on which people would walk single file
(a)When there is a doubt as to whether an object is Tahor or Tamei, if the object is found in Reshus ha'Rabim the object is Tahor. If it is found in a private, concealed place, it is judged to be Tamei.
(b)This is learned from the case of the Sotah woman. In the case of a Sotah, where only two people were present at the time that there arose a question as to her status, she is judged Temei'ah/culpable and is prohibited to her husband (for a full discussion of the Sotah woman, see Background to Berachos 63:6). Similarly, whenever there are only two people present (i.e. a Reshus ha'Yachid l'Tum'ah), if a doubt arises regarding the status of a person or an object, he or it is judged to be Tamei. Whenever more than two people frequent a certain area, it is a Reshus ha'Rabim l'Tum'ah. If a doubt arises regarding the status of a person or an object, he or it is judged to be Tahor.
19)[line 30]לבורותL'VOROS- the third Mechitzah of the Mavoy is bounded by a ditch
20)[line 34]שבילי בית גילגולSHEVILEI BEIS GILGAL- the winding paths of Beis Gilgal. (Beis Gilgal was apparently a winding path encircling a steep mountain. The mountain rose more than 10 Tefachim per 4 Amos, and therefore should be a Reshus ha'Yachid, since the sides of the mountain are seen as its Mechitzos.
21)[line 36]סרדיוטSERADYOT- a Roman or Greek officer
22)[last line]חגורהCHAGURAH- a periphery of ropes