12th Cycle Dedication

ERCHIN 10 (28 Teves) - Dedicated by Morris and Caroline Massel in loving memory of Morris' grandparents, Ezekiel and Sadie Massel z'l and Moses and Aziza Montefiore, all of whose Yahrzeits are in this season.

[10a - 48 lines; 10b - 47 lines]

**********************GIRSA SECTION*********************

We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any other important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos.

[1] Gemara 10b [line 37]:

The words "va'Aleihem Amar David" åòìéäí àîø ãåã

should be "va'Aleihem Amar Kra" åòìéäí àîø ÷øà (TOSFOS DH va'Aleihem)

[2] Gemara 10b [line 42]:

The words "Tani Raban Shimon ben Gamliel" úðé øáï ùîòåï áï âîìéàì

should be corrected as suggested by Shitah Mekubetzes #17

[3] Gemara 10b [line 45]:

"Hardavlim" äøãåìéí

This is the Girsa of Tosfos. Rashi's Girsa is "Hardavlas" äøãååìéñ

[4] Rashi 10b DH u'Me'arbev ã"ä åîòøáá:

It appears that the words "keshe'Hayah Kol Zeh Mesayem" ëùäéä ÷åì æä îñééí

should be "keshe'Hayah Kol Zeh Mesaye'a" ëùäéä ÷åì æä îñééò


1)[line 1]àéùú÷ãISHTAKAD- last year

2a)[line 4]òùøéí åàçú ú÷éòåú áî÷ãùESRIM VA'ACHAS TEKI'OS BA'MIKDASH

(a)There were a minimum of 21 Teki'os blown in the Beis ha'Mikdash every day:

1.3 during the opening the gates in the morning

2.9 during the offering of the morning Tamid

3.9 during the offering of the afternoon Tamid

(b)This yields a total of 21 Teki'os.

b)[line 5]àøáòéí åùîåðäARBA'IM V'SHEMONAH

(a)The maximum number of Teki'os in one day were 48; this took place on Erev Shabbos during the festival of Sukos:

1.3 during the opening the gates in the morning

2.3 when the drawers of the water (for Nisuch ha'Mayim) left at daybreak from the western gate (the Sha'ar ha'Elyon) of the Ezras Nashim

3.3 when the drawers of the water passed the eastern gate (the Sha'ar ha'Tachton) of the Ezras Nashim

4.3 when the drawers of the water returned to the Azarah through the Sha'ar ha'Mayim

5.3 as the Kohen was about to pour the water on the Mizbe'ach

6.9 during the offering of the morning Tamid

7.9 during the offering of the afternoon Tamid

8.9 during the Musafim offering

9.3 to indicate to the people to stop their work, since Shabbos was approaching

10.3 to mark the start of the Shabbos

(b)This yields a total of 48 Teki'os.

3a)[line 6]ðáìéíNEVALIM- lyres; harps

b)[line 7]çìéìéïCHALILIN- (O.F. chalemels) flutes

4)[line 9]äçìéì îëäHE'CHALIL MAKEH- the flute is played (lit. hit; this refers to the flute player covering the holes of his flute with his fingers)

5)[line 12]àáåá ùì ðçùúABUV SHEL NECHOSHES- with a brass flute

6)[line 13]àáåá ùì ÷ðäABUV SHEL KANEH- with a reed flute

7a)[line 14]îçì÷MECHALEK- close the tune

b)[line 14]ùäåà îçìé÷ éôäSHE'HU MACHLIK YAFEH- it makes a pleasant finale


8)[line 5]"äùéø éäéä ìëí ëìéì äú÷ãù çâ""HA'SHIR YIHEYEH LACHEM K'LEIL HISKADESH CHAG"- "You shall have a song, as on the night that the festival (Pesach) is sanctified" (Yeshayah 30:29).

9)[line 28]çìé ÷ìéäCHALEI KALEI- its sound is sweet

10)[line 29]çì÷CHALAK- smooth

11)[line 29]ã÷DAK- (O.F. tenves) thin

12)[line 31](öìöåì) [öéìöì](TZALTZUL) [TZILTZAL]- cymbal

13)[line 33]îëúùúMACHTESHES- mortar

14)[line 38]"[åàú äñéøåú åàú äéòéí åàú äîæø÷åú åàú ëì äëìéí äàìä àùø òùä çéøí ìîìê ùìîä áéú ä'] ðçùú îîøè""[V'ES HA'SIROS V'ES HA'YA'IM V'ES HA'MIZRAKOS V'ES KOL HA'KELIM HA'ELEH ASHER ASAH CHIRAM LA'MELECH SHLOMO BEIS HASH-M,] NECHOSHES MEMORAT"- "[And the pans, and the shovels, and the basins; and all these vessels which Chiram made for King Shlomo for the House of HaSh-m were of] burnished brass" (Melachim I 7:45).

15)[line 38]"[åàú äñéøåú åàú äéòéí åàú äîæìâåú åàú ëì ëìéäí òùä çåøí àáéå ìîìê ùìîä ìáéú ä'] ðçùú îøå÷""[V'ES HA'SIROS V'ES HA'YA'IM V'ES HA'MIZLAGOS V'ES KOL KELEIHEM ASAH CHURAM AVIV LA'MELECH SHLOMO L'VEIS HASH-M,] NECHOSHES MARUK"- "[And the pans, and the shovels, and the forks and all their vessels, Chiram his father made for King Shlomo for the House of HaSh-m of) burnished brass" (Divrei ha'Yamim II 4:16).

16)[line 38]"åëìé ðçùú îåöäá ùðéí çîåãåú ëæäá""U'CHLEI NECHOSHES MUTZHAV TOVAH SHENAYIM CHAMUDOS KA'ZAHAV"- "and two vessels of fine golden copper which were as precious as gold" (Ezra 8:27).

17)[line 44]àì úé÷øé ùðéí àìà ùðééíAL TIKREI SHENAYIM ELA SHENIYIM- do not read the verse as "two [vessels]," but rather as "secondary [vessels]." That is, the verse does not mean merely that there were two such instruments, but that each of the two was a secondary instrument, implying that each was the second of a pair.

18)[line 42]ùéìåçSHILO'ACH- the Shilo'ach spring (also known as Gichon) that is located to the south of the Temple Mount from which the water for the Nisuch ha'Mayim on Sukos was drawn.

19)[line 45]åëï äéä øáï ùîòåï áï âîìéàì àåîø äøãåìéíV'CHEN HAYAH RABAN SHIMON BEN GAMLIEL OMER HARDAVLIM- so, too, would Raban Shimon ben Gamliel say, "Hardavlim." It is not at all clear what the intention of the word "v'Chen" is here. It is possible that Raban Shimon ben Gamliel is citing another example of a counter-intuitive practice that was done in the Mikdash. Although the Hardavlim is normally the most esteemed and melodious of instruments, its hardy sound only lessened the beauty of the harmony produced by the other instruments in the Mikdash.

20a)[line 45]äøãåìéíHARDAVLIM / HARDAVLIS- (a) (O.F. eschelete) little bell, hand-bell (triangle?) (RASHI); (b) water organ

b)[line 46]èáìà âåøâãðàTAVLA GURGADNA- a type of bell (RASHI) or tambourine ; a musical instrument of pipes worked by the pressure of water and connected with a wheel-work

21)[last line]îâøéôäMAGREIFAH- (a) (O.F. vadil) shovel (RASHI); (b) the name of a musical instrument (some type of reed organ?) (TOSFOS)