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7. ורבנן מאי טעמייהו

Avraham Sacks asks:

Hillel said Im Tavo El Beisi Ani Avo El Beisecha

The proof pasuk in Shemos 20:21 seems to be referring to the Beis Hamikdash - how do we see from this passuk that Hash-m will come to our home?

Avraham Sacks, Ramat Beit Shemesh

The Kollel replies:

As is often the case, the Pasuk has a number of interpretations. See the Torah Temimah on the source verse. The Derashah to which you are referring is speaking about someone who attends the Batei Midrashos and the Batei Kenesiyos. In answer to your question, I assume that Hillel learns it from the word "Elecha," which is otherwise superfluous. Consequently, the Derashah reads: If you will come to My house, I will come to you (personally) in your house.

B'Virchas Kol Tuv,

Eliezer Chrysler