More Discussions for this daf
1. "Avosos ha'Agalah" 2. A "remnant"? 3. Moshiach ben Yosef and Yetzer Hara
4. A remnant 5. Arba Charashim 6. Mashiach
7. Mashiach Ben Yosef

Shaul asked:

In a message dated 5/19/04 12:34:59 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Very few people in the world altogether will merit to see the final stages

of the Final Redemption, or the World to Come (cf. Menachos 29b). Even from

the Jewish People, only a "remnant" will remain to witness it.

how do you understand this when held up to "Kol Yisroal, yesh la'hem chelek ba'Olam Haba." (which is part of every chapter of Pirkei Avot)

And what do you say happens to all the other neshamot that are not zocher to be a remnant?

that they are lost, gone, not part of life with no rememberence of ever having lived?


The Kollel replies:

There are different explanations of the Gemara in Menachos (29b). I understand from R' Kornfeld's statement that he took the simple understanding of the Gemara which states "Why was Olam Haba created with (the letter) Yud? Because the righteous in it are few." This seemingly indicates that there will be very few people in Olam Haba. Some commentaries, such as the Iyun Yakov, indeed take this approach. The Maharsha understands the Gemara differently. He understands the Gemara is not giving an amount of people who will be in Olam Haba, but rather that the Tzadikim in Olam Haba "lessen themselves" in a humble fashion. It is clear from the Maharsha that he does not accept that there will be few people in Olam Haba. However, I'm sure you realize that "Kol Yisrael Yesh la'Hem Cheilek l'Olam Haba" (according to almost all commentaries) does not mean that people cannot lose their portion in Olam Haba. This is clear from many sources, including Mishnayos and Gemaros in Perek Cheilek in Sanhedrin which state that certain people and generations lost their share in the World to Come.

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose