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4. The Machlokes Rav Yehuda and Rav Meir: Conversion of Amos to Tefachim 5. 10 Tefachim 6. Kosher Sukah on Shabbos
7. Ten Tefachim 8. Inscription on the Tzitz 9. Minimum Height for a Sukah
10. Height of Kapores 11. Tafasta Merubah Lo Tafasta

mordechai asked:

In what case will a sukkah be kosher on shabbos sukkos and not on sukkos weekday. someone said that there are two of those situations?

mordechai, canada

The Kollel replies:

The two cases are stated in Shulchan Aruch (O.C. 530:7). "If one put Sechach on a Mavoy that has a Lechi (two parallel walls plus a Lechi which is considered a third wall on Shabbos) or on a well that has Pasin (four Amah by Amah posts forming the corners of a square with the well in the middle), this is a Kosher Sukah for the Shabbos of Sukos alone, as the Lechi and Pasin are Mechitzos for Shabbos, we will consider them Mechitzos for Sukos."

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose