More Discussions for this daf
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4. Shimush Talmidei Chachamim 5. Patur from Sukah when traveling to study Torah 6. Osek b'Mitzvah Patur Min ha'Mitzvah
7. Sheluchei Mitzvah

Sam Kosofsky asked:

What is meant by a choson and kallah staying in the chupa for seven days. Nowadays our chassanim and kallot stay under the chuppah for 1/2 hour or however long the ceremonies of kiddushin and nissuin take. Then they go to a yichud room for 15 minutes or so, (plus the photographers time). Did the term chuppa mean something else like the chosson's house in the Gemara's time?

The Kollel replies:

The term "Beis Chasanim" originally refered to a special home, with a Chupah inside of it, that was built for the eldest son who became a Chasan (Rashi, Megilah 5b DH u'Neti'ah - presumably it was recycled for later children).

Tosfos says that the Gemara here refers to the main residence at which the Chasan and Kalah stay during the time of the Sheva Berachos. We do not require them to leave this place and go into a Sukah to eat since there would be a lack of Simchah for them.

Yossi Teichman