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E. Orenstein asked:

The Gemara brings an opinion that the Machteshes which ground the Ketores was a Kli Shares. If so, why wouldn't the Ketores become Pasul overnight due to Linah, like Menachos etc. which became Kadosh in a Kli Shares?

Thanks, Eugene Orenstein

The Kollel replies:

The Gemara in Shavuos 11a asks your question. It answers that Ketores is different and can never become Pasul through Linah mid'Oraisa. The reason given is because it doesn't spoil with age (like foods), according to Rashi's interpretation of the Gemara . According to Tosfos, the reason is because "Mitzvaso b'Kach," i.e. it is supposed to be prepared for an entire year in advance.

Be well,

M. Kornfeld