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Shmuel asks:

rav kahana answered reish lakish back by saying that "haposh'im" doesn't mean that the reshaim sin forever, since the passuk says "hamotzi" and "hama'alah" and Hash-m surely isn't continuously taking us out of Mitzrayim.

Could it be that Reish Lakish understands the passuk by Yetzias Mitzrayim as some mefarshim explain "b'chol dor v'dor", that we are being brought out of our personal Mitzrayim every year at the time of Pesach?

Shmuel Morgenbesser, new york, USA

The Kollel replies:

Dear Shmuel,

That is an excellent suggestion, and it is indeed proposed by the Pe'er Yakov in Berachos 38a (as cited by the Yalkut Mefarshim in the Mesivta edition of Eruvin; see there for other explanations as well).

All the best, Reuven Weiner