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1. Let the stronger prevail 2. Lo Tafsinan, Lo Mafkinan 3. Nascha d'Rebbi Abba
4. כל דאלים גבר

1. moshe rubin asked:

While there may be a difference mitzad bes din between holding something in escrow and then releasing it, as opposed to reversing an award, why are we not concerned for zilusah d'bei dina to an outside observer?

moshe rubin, brooklyn, ny

2. The Kollel replies:

The Gemara says that we do not return the property where this will lead to a rule of Kol d'Alim Gavar, because once the money has come to the hands of Beis Din they may not release it if they are not certain that it will reach the true owner.

The Gemara before concludes that we do not worry about Zilusah d'Bei Dinah.

Please explain if I have missed something here.

Dov Freedman