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Richard Herring asked:

The mishnah on 93b is defining ones with different examples of animals. I am struggling to understand the categories of the mishnah and how they are different from each other as the mishnah cannot only be telling me about various animals

Richard Herring, South Africa

The Kollel replies:

Dear Richard,

The Mishna is needed to explain the responsibilities of a shepherd, concerning attacks of specific animals. See Shulchan Aruch CM 303:4-6 for the Halachah.

What is your difficulty?

All the best,

Reuven Weiner

Richard Herring responded:

Is the mishnah being specific on animals or trying to teach me a principle? I am trying to learn the principle, just cannot see why all these examples are being used.

The Kollel replies:

Yes, the Mishnah is being specific on animals! What if a wolf attacks? What about a dog or bear? These are not examples, but specific Halachos regarding the shepherd's responsibility. There is no simple principle which would explain in short the rules of a wolf, dog, bear, etc. unless the Mishnah specifies each and every one.

All the best,

Reuven Weiner