More Discussions for this daf
1. Going beyond the letter of the law 2. Zaken v'Eino l'Fi Kevodo 3. Shomer Aveidah
4. "stipulation" before Beis Din 5. Hashavas Aveidah by a Kohen in a Cemetery 6. Rebbi Yishmael b'Rebbi Yosi and the Man With the Wood
7. Zaken v'Einah l'Fi Kevodo 8. Zaken by Metzi'ah and Te'inah and Perikah

Yoni Braun asked:

1. what is the machlokes between Rabbah and Rav yosef concerning the liability of a shomer aveidah?

2. What is an example of lifnim meshurat hadin which the gemorah brings in the sugya of teixna?


Yoni Braun, Los Angeles, CA

The Kollel replies:

1) Rabah holds that a Shomer Aveidah is like a Shomer Chinam (Patur for Geneivah and Aveidah) since he is not being paid. Rav Yosef says that he is like a Shomer Sachar (Chayav for Geneivah and Aveidah, Patur for Onsim) since he is being paid. His "pay" is the Perutah that he will save if a pauper comes for Tzedakah when he is busy caring for the Aveidah.

2) Rav Yishmael was exempt from the Mitzvah of Te'inah since he was a Zaken and this job was beneath his dignity. One is obligated Hashavas Aveidah or Te'inah only if he would do

such an act for his own benefit. Nevertheless, although such a situation exempts a person from these Mitzvos, Rebbi Yishmael opted to obligate himself in the Mitzvah of Te'inah even though according to the letter of the law he was exempt.

D. Zupnik