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1. Niduy 2. kol hanosei ishah sheaina hagunat.... 3. Child of a Safek Mamzer

Irwin asks:

I have learnt that the child of a mamzer is a mamzer. But is the child of a safek mamzer also a safek mamzer, or does it depend on whom he marries

irwin, Jerusalem

The Kollel replies:


Marriage with a Mamzer always causes a Mamzer child, following the rule that a child becomes as Pagum (defected) as the Pagum parent- even when the marriage is permitted (Ger with Mamzer) (Kidushin 66b-67a)

So too, a Safek Mamzer (who cannot marry neither a Mamzer, Safek Mamzer, and regular Jew) passes his P'gam to offspring in all situations.

All the best,

Reuven Weiner