More Discussions for this daf
1. As money is definite, so the equivalent must be definite 2. Adam Chashuv 3. Concerns of "Mar'is ha'Ayin"
4. Active participation of the Betrother 5. Kidushei Adam Chashuv 6. Kashya on Pnei Yehoshua
7. Kinyan Kidushin 8. Tosfos DH v'Nifshitu 9. קידושי אדם חשוב

D Klein asked:

i was wondering in the case of adam chashuv, if the women has to actually make the proposition to him and him accept the kinyan, or can the case of adam chashuv work in any other way besides how the gemorah prescribes it to be. for example if he doesnt have an object and asks her to marry him without specifying the kinyan and she hands an object to him without her actually asking him to marry her. is him accepting the object considered hana if she never said that she would be mikudeshes to him??? so i guess what im really asking is if she actually needs to make the proposition to him in the case of adam chashuv.


d klein, toronto

The Kollel replies:

Rashi writes that the man must say that he is being Mekadesh her with the Hana'ah. Therefore, it is like any Kidushin, for which she must accept the terms; if she says nothing it as if she accepts.

D. Zupnik