More Discussions for this daf
1. Tosfos "V'Ein Davar Achar Kortah" 2. Ein Kesef Superfluous? 3. b'Ne'ure'ha Beis Aviha
4. bi'Ne'ureha Beis Aviha 5. Rashi DH Mipnei she'Darko 6. Amah Ivriyah Ailonis
7. Father marrying off his daughter 8. Rashi DH d'Avahu 9. Excluding Chupah
10. d'Ika Plugta 11. Insights to the Daf - Chupah Koneh 12. Chalitzah of a Married Woman
13. "Al Kol Mayim" 14. Kinyan Chalipin 15. למעוטי חופה
16. דאיכא פלוגתא

Yeshivas Meor HaTorah of Chicago asked:

1) As a chazara on the gemorah we are learning we have been going over the point-by-point summary. we find it very helpful and thank you very much. However on kidushin 3a we seem to have found a mistake in translation. the gemorah states that the derech of a yerek is to grow "Al kol mayim" Rashi translates this to mean that a yerek is also watered with "mayim sheuvim" indeed in Rosh hashana 14a you translate it as also irrigated waters i.e. not only rain water which is somewhat similar to rashi. The translation that you give here in kidushin "rain that falls the entire time they grow" does not seem to fit. Please let us know if we are mistaken.

2) Also, we have been pronouncing the creature as koy and not kvi as you do. Actually in your q and a on the daf you pronounce it as koy. We were wondering if you had some information on the subject.

3) Also on 3b when the gemara asks that we should learn kesef kiddushin from hafaras nedarim you translate that as meaning that the pasuk should also apply to kesef kiddushin. This cannot be since the gemara had just proved that the words bnureha beis aviah only applies to hafaras nedarim. The proper way to understand this gemara would be that the gemara is asking that we should learn from the halacha of hafaras nedarim. In your Q & A you seem to understand the gemara this way as well.

Thank you,

Eighth grade @ Yeshivas Meor HaTorah Chicago

The Kollel replies:

Thank you for the compliment. We are glad to be able to help people like you.

1) You are correct, thank you. We will correct it.

2) Koy is correct. Different Talmidei Chachamim prepared the different materials. We are working on keeping all the material consistent, and we did not yet get to Kidushin.

3) Thank you again!

Keep up the great work, you seem to be learning it very well!


Mordecai Kornfeld

Kollel Iyun Hadaf