More Discussions for this daf
1. A "Teku" not relevant to Halachah, etc. 2. Sharp questions Dapim 36-49 3. Wrapping of Tefilin when putting them away
4. How was it possible to plant and plow in the desert? 5. Rashi on "Techeles" as the source for sowing and reaping 6. Hatmanah
7. Rav Hai Gaon in Rashi at the bottom of Amud B 8. אבא שלחא הוה 9. תפילין צריכין גוף נקי כאלישע בעל כנפים

Shimon HALIMI asked:

Rachi (49B- end of the amoud): " heim zar'ou v? katzerou s?manim... litzvo'a Te'helet..."

Why did Rachi say that they sowed and harvest herbs to make/colour Te'heleth? Didn't the colour of Te'heleth come from a fish, the Hilazon, and not from herbs? So, why did Rachi take the example of T?'heleth as an example of the work of "sowing and harvesting" from the Mishkan ?


Elliot Benjamin asked:

On Shabbos 49b the Gemora discusses the 39 malachot and the derivation from the melachos to build the Mishkan. In discussing how planting and reaping were used in the Mishkan, Rashi suggests their role in making vegetable dyes including Techeles.

How does this fit with the accepted understanding throughout Shas that techeles was derived from the "blood of the Chilazon", and in fact not to be confused with the vegetable derived Kala Ilan?

Many thanks

Dr. Elliot Benjamin

The Kollel replies:


Excellent question. The Gemarah in Menachos 43b describes the dying process of the T'cheles. It mentions that together with the blood of the Chilazon, Sa'me'manim were mixed in. It would seem that this is what Rashi is referring to over here. Also see Tosfos (ibid. D"H V'sa'me'manim).

Yehuda Landy