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1. Preparing to Daven 2. Belts and Suspenders for Davening 3. The age of S'dom
4. הנותן פת לתינוק

Barry Shain asked:

Rashi explains the age of Sodom as 52 years from Avraham being 48 years old at the time of Migdal Bavel and 99 years old at the time of it's destruction. Isn't this a difference of 51 years? As the age of Tzoar is supposed to be younger at 51 years, this difference undermines the drasha being offerred by the Gemara. Can you offer an explanation?

The Kollel replies:

The inhabitants of the land were divided while Peleg was still alive , in the beginning of the last year of his life. Avraham, then was 47 years old. This is Rashi's intention here, and in Parshas Vayera (Bereishis 19:20).