More Discussions for this daf
1. Maskana in a certain shailo 2. Quiz - Gizei Tzemer 3. איבעית אימא בקטן ואבע״א באשה
4. רש״י ד״ה חוששין 5. מתיב רב קטינא 6. לכולי עלמא צריך ליחד לו קרן זוית DAILY QUIZ
7. מהו לפצוע זיתים

z katz asks:

daf 50 first question on quiz Gizei Tzemer used for Hatmanah maybe handled you answered c only if designated for that purpose according to Ravina you do not have to be Meyached and it's Mutar L'Taltel only B'Shel Ha'Pesek needs Yichuid.

it may be a machlokes two shitos in rava see rashi and tosfos but according to how ????? learns ??? you don't need to be Meyached

z katz, Canada

The Kollel replies:

Yes, you are correct that it is only b'Shel ha'Pesek that requires to be designated. However, the quiz is going according to the conclusion of the Gemara, which is the opinion of Ravina who learns that the Mishnah refers to b'Shel ha'Pesek.

Kayitz Bari,

Dovid Bloom