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1. Rebbi Yehudah's proof about a Neder made b'Rabim 2. "Rabim" as only 3; contradiction in Tosfos 3. Giv'onim
4. Ailonis

aurel littmann asks:

there seems to be a catch 22 situation. she cannot get a kesubah because she is presumed to be an ailonis. when she marries someone else and has children, she can't demand her kesubah because, then, her children are mamzerim? please explain. thank you.

aurel littmann, brooklyn, NY, USA

The Kollel replies:

Aurel, it is wonderful to hear from you again after such a long time!

It is only from the first husband that she cannot claim her Kesuvah. The Ran explains that the husband really thought when he divorced her that she was an Ailonis, but we said to him that he should decide that he is divorcing her whatever she in fact is; but he did not divorce her with the intention that she would receive any Kesuvah.

It therefore follows that even if it transpires later that she is not an Ailonis, she still will not receive her Kesuvah from the first husband, who genuinely believed that she was an Ailonis since she bore him no children.

Kol Tuv,

Dovid Bloom