More Discussions for this daf
1. Teaching one's daughter "Tiflus" 2. Echad 3. Erasing the Parshas Sotah
4. Does Kesivah of Parshas Sotah Need to be Lishma 5. Stam Mishnah is Rebbi Meir 6. Kankantom
7. Pachda Tzamis, Bi'asusa Merafya 8. Teida sheha'Zechus Tolah Lah 9. Teaching Your Daughter Torah
10. Tiflus

J Klein asks:

i was perusing through some of the questions and answers on this masechta, and im enjoying some of the marvelous chiddushim. theres is one thing which struck me: some of the questions are obviously being posed by those which the gemarah later warns to keep away from understanding the intricacies of methods and thought process of the gemarah. how do we apply our mishna(with it's psak halacha mark) and the gemarah, particularly to the point of the rational for clarifying those queries?

much thanks

j klein, new york,usa

The Kollel replies:

Thank you for your kind comments.

The Gemera (Sotah, beginning of 21b) says that it is not really Tiflus. It is only "like" Tiflus.

Wishing you much success and good health,

Dovid Bloom