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H. David Levine asks:

This touches upon Halachah for me, because I've had practical questions about my mother's personal care. I don't personally see d'Ka Tavah Itsa b'Nahara, because there are others at her rehab facility who are supposed to do the job. Nonetheless, it would simplify the matter of her returning home, until a caregiver could be found, if I were able to help her personally. Is this Perishus genuine?

H. David Levine, Roanoke, VA; USA

The Kollel replies:

Dear H. David Levine,

As I am sure you know, a biological mother with her son is treated differently in the Halachah than other Arayos. There is no Isur Yichud (S.A.,E.H. 22:1) and their is no Isur Chibuk v'Nishuk sh'Lo b'Derech Chibah (S.A.,E.H 21:7). Therefore, there might be situations where, regarding other Arayos, it would be advisable to keep one's distance but, with regards to a son and mother, it would be unwarranted Chasidus. Your case might be such a case. The Gemara is speaking about a case of Pikuach Nefesh. Here there is no Pikuach Nefesh but there might compelling reasons, beyond just saving money on the rehab facility, that might justify this unusual arrangement. I think it would depend on the following factors: how urgent it is to bring your mother home, how difficult it is to get a qualified caregiver, how your mother feels about the arrangement, how you feel about it. This is certainly a question to be brought before a Posek who can consider all the details of the case.

Besuros Tovos,

Yonasan Sigler

This is not a Psak Halachah