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1. Answers to Review Q's 2. התרה לנזיר שמשון 3. Machlokes Rebbi Shimon and Rabanan
4. התרה לנזיר שמשון 5. נזיר בד' כוסות

shabsy LEDEREICH asks:

on your hebrew chart ( you have the rabonon learning from yayin their main din of complete isuur even when he only mentioned one issur. from shaichor you have them learning the din of nezirus being chal even on a mitzva like he swore to drink... i beleive that careful reading of the gemara would show the opposite limud for each.while its true that in the beginning it seemed that we are first learning the core din of the rabonon, at this further point when the gemara wants to give the rabonon also the limud of rav shimon that they will also hold of nezirus even when he swore to drink... the gemara seems to indicate that this limud they agree on.. Ha Miba'i Leih l'Yain Mitzvah, another words just like r" shimon!and the gemara says indeed if it were to only have said yayin we would only have the din r' shimon learns of yayin mitzva, since it says shaicor we can also learn our core din of of the kabalah of one issur suffices. see your chart it is not in cinque. unless im mistaken

shabsy LEDEREICH, United States

The Kollel replies:

Shalom Shabsy,

Thank you for your question! Theoretically, the Gemara can be understood as you explained it, but I do not see a necessity to say so. There are two words to be Doresh, and either way is fine. Since the Gemara started off with a Derashah for the Rabanan, once this Derashah was established, we can use the next word for the next Halachah we want to be Doresh.

Kol Tuv,

Aharon Steiner