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1. Support to a widowed Arusah with a questionable Get 2. "Besulim" 3. חינא

Mordechai Goldstein asked:

In your Point by Point Outlines, you write, "that 'Besulah' connotes having some Besulim. 'Besulehah' connotes having all of them. "Bi'Vsuleha" connotes virginity in the place of normal Bi'ah, but not necessarily in the place of Lo k'Darkah (the anus);"

Question: How in the world can the gmra address this? This is considered a common practice I don't get it. Isn't this bitul zera? I'm so confused. why is this topic in the Gemara?

The Kollel replies:

The Gemara tells us it is improper to live even with a wife she'Lo k'Darka. Nevertheless, it is important to know what the Halachah dictates if a woman is raped she'Lo k'Darka. Is the victim permitted to a Kohen Gadol or not? That is the subject of this Gemara.

Best wishes,

Mordecai Kornfeld

Kollel Iyun Hadaf