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1. Shevuyah 2. Shmuel's Daughters 3. Benefitting Herself
4. Shmuel's Daughters 5. אני וחברתי טמאה

Baruch Kahan asks:

Good evening Rabbi Kornfeld Shlito

I have a Sheilah which I would like to email you based on your understanding of 2 separate Sugyos in Shas which I have learnt via your internet website.

The Gemoro tells us an interesting either Chumra or Midas Chasidus that Avuha DeShmuel was Noiheg with his daughters I presume this would be Shmuel's sisters in Shabbos 65a (after the Mishnah).

It says that 1 of the things he was Makpid on was that they should not sleep in the same bed together and based on the Kollel's understanding " he did not want them to get used to having contact with other bodies something which might instill a desire to sleep with men" Other Hakpodos are also mentioned there in relation to Avuha DeShmuel.

I would like to propose that if Shmuel would have seen this in his father's house ie the strict Chumrois/Hakpodos of his father on his sisters and we don't find that he disagrees with them then it stands to reason that he would have insisted on doing the same for his daughters.

"Im Keyn" Let's now go to the rather famous Sugya of Kesuvos 23a "Bonsay DeShmuel" who got captured the Gemoro could have used this Gemoro here in Shabbos to prove that the daughters of Shmuel would have been Shoimer themselves since the whole discussion there is between Avuha DeShmuel and Shmuel and surely Shmuel would have been Noiheg his daughters with Shmirah etc. from things to do with Aroyos as much as his father would have done with his own sisters.and the fact nothing is mentioned means that maybe his Chumrois were not passed on I don't know.

So my Heoroh is that the Gemoro in Shabbos would have fitted in nicely into the context of the Gemoro in Kesuvois and nothing is mentioned

Any thoughts

Kol Tuv,

Boruch Kahan of London.

The Kollel replies:

(Please forgive the delay in response. Technical problems prevented the mailing of a number of responses.)

Reb Boruch,

The concern in Kesuvos 23a is that they may have been raped by the captors, in which case they would be forbidden henceforth to marry a Kohen. It may be that they would not be able to be Shomer themselves from such an eventuality.

Kol Tuv,

Dovid Bloom