More Discussions for this daf
1. Preventing Yibum 2. Shakla v'Tarya of the Gemara 3. What Rav Ashi Says
4. Chupah according to Rambam 5. Kashya of the Gemara from the Mishnah on 57a 6. Dam Besulim
7. Choshen Mishpat Siman 5 8. Reb Yosef and the Mishnah that was Not Taught 9. Shakdu
10. ha'Besulah 11. Chupah of the Kohen Gadol on Yom Kippur 12. Feeding an Arusah Terumah after 12 months
13. Mishnayos of Kesuvos Relevant to First Perek 14. Age of Besulah 15. Beis Din sits on "Monday" and Thursday
16. Chupas Nidah 17. the mishna 18. Proof of virginity
19. רש"י ד"ה אוכלות בתרומה

BaruchDavid asked:

How can virginity be proven and a man go to court claiming wife not a virgin when the breaking of the Besulim is unreliable evidence. Wouldnt the fact that breaking the Besulim being poor evidence falsy accuse many women of not being virgins.

BaruchDavid, UK

The Kollel replies:

Dear Baruch,

Hello there and thanks for your question. The issue you raise is discussed on Daf 10a. The Gemara explains that after a person invested so much in the wedding meal, he would not want it to go to waste, by falsely accusing her of not being a virgin.

Kol Tuv,

Y. Landy