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gershon lewis asks:


Rashi says this means feet nails; this Tos says it means the hair around the private parts.

From the context of the Nach involved, it appears that Dovid say that David saw this, i.e. lefi Rashi-the nails; lefi Tos, the hair around the private parts. How did Dovid see such a thing. It was covered up completely. Thanks very much. Gershon

gershon lewis, Jerusalem Israel

The Kollel replies:

Sholom Rav,

It is not evident that David saw anything. The verse records merely that he asked Mefiboshes why he did not accompany him into exile.

The reason why it mentions his not shaving or cutting his nails is to teach us that he was suffering due to David's Tzaros.

Be'Virchas Kol Tuv

Eliezer Chrysler.
