More Discussions for this daf
1. "Hiknu Lo Min ha'Shamayim" 2. Yibum with a Katan 3. Amar Rav Ashi Ein Kofin
4. Beis Shamai and Safek 5. Yibum with multiple brothers

Elia Fischer asked:

Please confirm that (i) Bais Shamai is of the view that Maamar is deoraisa even when there is only a single Yavam, with a nafka mina being whether it can create a safek nisuin for yerusha purposes when there is a single Yavam, and (ii) the various Yerusha issues that arise with respect to a child who is a safek of being a child of the decedent brother or alternatively of the Yavam are issues that arise as a matter of law and do not depend on actually being raised by the litigants.

Elia Fischer, Atlanta, GA

The Kollel replies:

There doesn't seem to be any reason that Beis Shamai (according to Rava on 39a) would not say this when there is only a single Yavam. I also agree that this seems to be a matter of law, not a matter of claims which have to be made by the litigant.

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose