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1. Counting the Months like Sefiras ha'Omer 2. Tashlumin 3. Tashlumin

allen schuldenfrei asked:

Having just learnt this blatt, I am still not crystal clear how long the tashlumin for succos is. Is it 7 days or 8 days? I think the answer is 8 because:

1. shmini atzeres is not a separate yom tov for this purpose, and

2. the beraisa in the middle of daf 17b talks about one who did not bring the korban chagiga all 7days of pesach or all 8 days of sukkos.

I wonder whether you agree or disagree.

allen schuldenfrei, baltimore, maryland USA

The Kollel replies:

Dear Allen,

Hello there and thanks for your question.

I agree with your conclusion. Reason 1 is correct. Regarding the second source, there is no need to find a Beraisa when it is explicit in the Mishnah on Daf 9a. Either way you are right.

All the best.

Y. Landy